V. Consider a Contract

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⚠︎ Warning: Slavery, and child abuse. Be cautious.


The underground cell is dark even though it's morning, (M/N) can still see fine and it's still the same old stones and metals. They had upgraded his shackles and he can't even use his hands or move his ankles without the sound of metal clanking.

He had schemed to get the fuck out of the prison as soon as he finished his cinnamon rolls but an idea had formed on his head. Why not rob the Grimm's family of their luxuries?

He can't help but chuckle, he will also steal Mr. Grimm for himself so that he will not worry about how to cook. As if he needs sustenance, he just wishes to try some exquisiteness of humanity.

As he hums melodies that humans don't know the existence of, a racket and a wave of torch caught his attention. He can hear murmurs in the hallway while he distinctly heard the sound of footsteps and metal links on the cobblestones.

He sat upon his makeshift bed and look at the humans that dared interrupt his grandiose planning. His eyes seem to put them on edge as they somehow illuminate in the dark, no one needs to know that he deliberately let them see a part of his demon form.

The human who swims in clothing and a disgusting odor that (M/N) probably the only one that can smell it, bark an order.

"Throw that brat in!" He yelled, the humans scramble and pull a child that is bony that even a demon, like (M/N) wonder if the child even ate anything. But what strikes (M/N)'s awe was the vibrant red hair the child has. Even as charcoal soot-covered most of it, the demon wistfully compared it to a flower he saw once millennia ago, a flower with thorns and coursed leaves but has the same red as the giver's eyes and this child's hair. The demon smiled at the memory, wondering where Sebastian could be at this moment.

They opened the prison, (M/N) ignore the enticement to just burst it open and claw the human and drown him with his blood, and throw the child in, then closing the cell shut.

He stares down at the child. (M/N) notice that the torch was put somewhere close to the prison to make the feeble child see his monstrous features. Yet, as he watches the child cradle himself, and shiver because of his drench clothes, the child had refused to do so.

The demon grinned, his sharp teeth gleaming in the dark. It seems that luck is on his side.


Ollie pulled his chained feet to trudge the long stead road towards a mansion up the hill. The guard that guides them whips a child like him from the end of the line, barking an order to keep his pace. He cried and Ollie gritted his teeth, ignoring the sound of leather hitting a skin. He glared at the cart in front of them. Cursing the person inside of it.

Ollie gripped his hands as he painfully kept his pace with the other products to be sold.

"My, my, what a lovely mansion." The lady inside the cart commented as she fans herself with her fancy fan. "Looks like the master will have other bountiful earnings!" She said and giggled. She closed her fan as she moved closer to the slave trader and pushed her breast on his arm.

"Can I have a new dress, darling?" She asked as her manicured hands snaked on his neck. "A beautiful one that fits with the weather?" She said in a sultry tone. The slave trader smirks and leans his face on her.

"Get your arms off me, pig." He growled. The young lady raised her eyebrow and giggled. She removed herself from the slave trader and opened her fan once again.

"Feisty." She muttered behind her fan and giggled once more.

The carriage had stopped and their door was opened. The lady gets out first and then was met by a couple of butlers. The slave trader looked at them, examining them while he got out. The carriage drives away while the guard with them leads the ten children behind the slave trader, stumbling with their feet burned and raw from the harsh road.

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