VI. Forgo the Fright

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The contract might not be a bit like the contracts that Ciel or Alois have but it's alright, I remember bits of pieces of what I planned anyway lol



A Contract will tie the demon down but he's ready to risk everything. His feelings are overwhelming him, after he escaped that unbearable place he is stuck with, everything just feels different but it hits right. Like right now, the thrill, the uncontrollable urge to just say 'Fuck it, you're going to experience being a human now and why not act like one?' It's reckless, offering his power to a weakling human, but it's just right. (M/N) want to laugh at his stupidity, however, he will welcome those emotions and act like it's a new stimulant, which it is. Hysteria, that was what he was feeling right now, right? Or Maniacal? Shit, such big words.

(M/N) breathed deeply. He looks towards the child who has a dumbfounded expression on his face that the demon found funny enough to show a grin on his face, his fangs gleaming with the way the flame from the torches sway and then stilled.

"A co...contract?" The child asked, his voice hitching. (M/N) cross his arms, minding his sharp nails, and nodded.

"Yes, then you can show those bastards that throw you here my power and make me kill them." The demon said and shrug as if killing is such a normal thing to him, which it is. Ollie gulped.

He fix the way he sat awkwardly on the stone floor and look at the demon, that will help him. He offered his power so casually that Ollie needs to backtrack or want to hear it once again because, this is so sudden, give him a minute damn it.

"Okay," Ollie sighed, "What is a contract?"

The demon blinked at him, his eyes shined and the redhead can't see his full features despite the glow of the torch. Ollie might find him terrifying a while ago but now he felt annoyed.

"Easy," The demon started, his grin back on his face. The human amuses him. "It binds me to you, which in turn you can use me to fulfill your heart's desire,"

"You can make me kill those humans that sold you here,"

"Or even order me to make you the most influential and powerful human to exist."

The demon approaches him, the shadow that was obscuring his face vanishes and Ollie saw the massive ram horns and wavy hair that flutters as he moves. His face is so chiseled that Ollie had a fleeting thought of (M/N) having the face of an angel but his horns are a massive giveaway that he is not a divine entity.

"So, little mutt, do you want to have a contract with me?" The definitely-a-demon ask. Ollie scoffs, what utter nonsense.

"No." He huffed. (M/N) in turn, had a dumbfounded face that Ollie wants to laugh at. The fiend likely didn't expect him to refuse his offer (as tempting as they sound) but Ollie is not that desperate, yet. And furthermore,

"There's probably a catch in this contract thing," Ollie leveled him a glare, "I feel like you're leaving something out and I am not trusting you yet, you filthy fucking demon." Ollie spat. No shit, he's not buying this, it's hard to believe that his life will take a turn and be fucking full of luxury because he encounters a cheat like this and of course, such cheats have consequences. Ollie is not yet desperate, he is not.

"Pft, of course, there is a catch!" (M/N) said and laugh. "Everything has, and you owe me, you know." He said, an animalistic grin replaced his nice smiles but Ollie is not scared anymore.

(He's probably unhinged but no, he's just stubborn.)

"You don't owe me anything, Mr. Grimm is the one that I'm going to have a favor to pay and not you who get pathetically capture even though you're gloating your powers to me, a fucking slave who doesn't even quiver in front of you now as you show your true self!" Ollie was enamored with his attitude right now, but this feeling inside of him seems to burn bright. The redhead child felt like he might combust but he's only determined in front of danger. All the feeling of helplessness that he accumulated while being a slave seems to have snapped something inside of him and he felt lighter than before, it's like he was freed from a shackle.

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