1: The Campfire

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Phil opened his eyes, but the fatigue pulled them shut again. He tried again a few seconds later, fighting against the tiredness that threatened to take him back to sleep at any moment. He was confused for a second as to why he was on the floor, but then remembered that he and Dan had fallen asleep in a blanket fort they constructed the previous night.Dan.


It took Phil a moment, but he soon realized that Dan was hugging him as he slept.

Phil's heart did an uneasy flip, and he didn't know what to do. Having nothing else to do without waking Dan, Phil put his head on Dan's chest and enjoyed the closeness. He didn't want to disturb Dan's sleep or anything.

Phil just lay there in Dan's arms, not asleep, just content.

Being the end of March, it was still sometimes cold, but they didn't really need blankets as they were keeping each other plenty warm.

Phil was unaware of time passing, and he knew not how long he lay there, until Dan finally stirred. Phil decided to pretend to be asleep.

He heard Dan yawn, and he felt Dan's arms tighten around him for a moment. Dan shifted around some more until suddenly his arms left Phil. Phil was momentarily upset as he felt the warmth leave him. At least his head was still resting on Dan's chest. "Phil?" He heard Dan ask, voice sounding weird vibrating in his chest. Phil pretended to be asleep.

Dan sat up, Phil's head sliding to the ground, and shook Phil's shoulder gently. "Phil get up." Dan said a bit more loudly. Phil pretended to wake up in a daze.

"What?" Phil asked.

"We need to get up, we must've slept through the night," Dan elaborated.

Phil kept up the façade by rubbing his eyes, "Did we really?"

Dan nodded in response and said, "So wake up. It's already 11 in the morning."

Phil stretched and sat up, "I'm hungry."

"Me too," Dan replied, "but I don't want to make anything."

"Can we go to McDonald's?" Phil asked. Dan nodded in response. Dan and Phil both got up and walked around the house a few minutes preparing.

After finding shoes, keys, wallets, and phones, Dan and Phil left the house. Both of them knew the way to McDonald's because they had been several times. Though their food wasn't the best, they liked to sit in a particular booth and watch the morning buzz around them. It was close by and within walking distance, so that's just what they did.

Finally they arrived at McDonald's. It wasn't until they were sitting across from each other in a booth that Phil realized Dan's hair was curly. Dan's hair was naturally curly, but he straightened it almost everyday and Phil sometimes forgot Dan's natural hair was curly. Dan never went in public with curly hair, unless he was at some kind of water park where he had no control over it.

Phil liked Dan's curly hair, but Dan wasn't a fan of it himself. Phil wished Dan would let his hair be natural more often because it was quite nice on him. "Phil?" Dan asked, bringing Phil out of his daze.

"What?" Phil replied.

"Why are you staring at me?" Dan asked.

"Sorry, I'm just tired," Phil apologized, "and I noticed your hair was curly."

Dan's eyes widened a little, "Oh yeah, I probably look like shit right now."

Phil shook his head, "You're fine, Dan."

"Well thanks," Dan replied with a little giggle.

Their order number was called and Phil got up to pick it up from the counter. Once they were situated, Dan pulled out his phone.

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