"Because no one can dare to. That lift is particularly made only for the boss. And with his permission, only Sir Jungkook can use it. So only they can use that lift in the whole building."

But I used it three times, will I get fired if the boss came to know. "What will happen if somebody else uses it?" Annastasia couldn't help asking.

"That will be his last day in this office ."

Annastasia hunkered down her nose, " That is way more ridiculous. Does the boss even do that?"

The guy turned around to Annastasia and announced, " He even fires people who forget to bow or don't mention sir in every sentence that they use in front of him."

"What?" I never used Sir, never since I landed up in this building.

In a while, both of them were on the lift to the middle floor.

As soon as the lift opened, they walked towards Jungkook's cabin.

"Here it is !" he indicated.

In a white shiny plate with a black border and in black it was written; 'JEON JUNGKOOK - MANAGING DIRECTOR'.

"Thank you!" Annastasia was about to enter Jungkook's cabin but the guy called her.

"Hey! You didn't tell me what you were doing here?"

"Oh! I am the new secretary of your boss." she smiles and heads inside.

Her words leave a dumbfounded person with mouth open enough to fit a double-decker meat burger. He remains in that position until his colleague comes and smacks the bottom of his chin.

"May I come in, Sir?" Annastasia asks politely and in a sweet voice mentioning sir which she should have when she was in the Boss's cabin.

"Yes!" the charming voice replies.

"Hello! Sir." Annastasia bows down.

"Annastasia?" Both of them seemed glad to see each other. For unknown reasons. Annastasia is happy cause in a way Jungkook helped her to get a job and he is helping her to even live at his place. And Jungkook, he is no doubt a great guy and a great human who helps even his enemies. But knowingly he is pushing Annastasia off the cliff for his benefits, which Annastasia will realise later.

"Come sit."

"Thank You Mr Jungkook."

"So, how come you are here ?"

"I am also surprised, how come I landed up here."

"What do you mean?"

"I finally got the job that too without any interview."

"What??" Jungkook becomes bewildered.

"You are shocked? I thought you knew your boss very well Mr Jungkook ."

"Yes, but this is something extraordinaire." He has never done anything like this, is Suga that desperate to keep you. It isn't a surprise if he spends nine years in searching you then this is something very easy for him.

"Hmm! So, he said that you will give me further instructions."

"Oh! Ok! Umm! Could you wait for some minutes, till I finish this work." he pointed out the pile of documents kept on the table.

"Yes! sure."

Jungkook got back to his work, and Annastasia sat there appreciating his sleek interiors and playing with her phone.

"Done!" Jungkook closed his laptop and came to sit beside Annastasia. He handed her a paper and a pen.

"What is this for ?" Annastasia questioned seeing the paper and pen in her hand.

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