Chapter 17

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*4 ½ months later*

"I'm tired of your bull-shit, Courtney. All we have been doing is yelling at each other and arguing with each other and I can't take it anymore..." Brian says as he's sitting on the couch beside me. I don't say anything because I totally agree with him and also I don't want to argue with him.
"What, you don't have anything to say?" He snaps. "You start it all, Brian!" I snap back in an instant. He gets up and how's to his room then walks out with a duffle bag. "I'm going to my dads." He goes out the living room door and slams it as he goes out.
I sit there wondering if he will ever come back.
My step mom comes out from his bedroom and goes to the living room. "Is everything okay?" She asks. "Brian just left.. And my stomach is killing me... Usually he's here for me rubbing my stomach, but..." I stand up and I go to my room. My step mom does to hers also, closing the door.
I lay down in bed on my side.

*Couple weeks later; Saturday* 

Brian is now back home. 
"Fucking stop it, Charles!" My step mom screams at my dad for trying to beat down Brians door because he finally figured out I was pregnant by Brian. 
"No Amber!" He then pushes her away, I can tell because I heard a big bang or clash. 
I was in Brians room. "Brian, open the door now!" He exclaims. "No! All you're going to do is kill me!" He yells back. "Damn straight I am! You got my daughter fucking pregnant!" He bangs on the door again. "Well, I want the baby to have a father, not grow up like me and not have a father and then finally get into his life when I'm seventeen years old!" I hear silence. "Brian..." ... "Leave me alone!" Brian says to my dad. 
Brian lays down on the bed, then his mom walks in. "Look-" she sits down on the bed. "- I'm glad you're going to be a father, and its not wrong because you two aren't blood related, or even half blood related. Charles doesn't understand that you're pregnant, he just can't believe it, Courtney. But, don't think that I'm not mad at you two, because I am. She's to young to be a mom. Same with you, you're to Young to be a dad... Its going to be hard because you still have all of senior year to finish and because Charles and I are getting a divorce." Brian jumps up. "Well, where am I going to live?" Brian says snapping a little. "We're moving to San Francisco." His mom says. "No! No... I'm not going to leave Huntington... No way can I leave Huntington.. Trust me, San Francisco isn't the place to be... One of my friends lived there and he got beat up, and he's exactly like me..." He paces around the room painted black with his new Dream Theater posters around his room and his old Metallica posters. 
"You have no choice, Brian!" She yells. 
"Yes I do, I'll move in with my dad..." He naps. His mom rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Your loss, not mine." And then she leaves the bedroom. 

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