Chapter Eleven - Cupcake for Cupcake

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My head still ached from the bits and pieces of memories I recalled from earlier as she dropped me off a block away from the venue of her concert, a corner from this bakeshop I go to every once and a while. 

I felt like jumping up and down, whether in excitement of telling my partner who the cookie monster was or in relief? Relief that the hole in my heart that I didn't even know existed had been filled with her existence. 

What I told her earlier was true, I had definitely thought that what she explained made sense. Events going past 4 years ago was muddy, the exact time we took up the Ashley Waters job. It wasn't definite proof but it helped fill some gaps in my memory.

Tilting my head, I realized there was something I haven't done yet.

I haven't texted Gabe yet. Crap.

I fished out my phone from my front pocket, searched for his name and sent him a message.

Luscious Lucian: Come hereee I'm at the bakeshop we went to last week.

There. Sounds simple enough.

Deciding to wait for him inside the actual store, I stroll on over there. My phone vibrated a couple of times, and I checked them out. 

Grand Gabriel: Fuck off, sleeping.

Nobliest North: Where the fuck did you run off to?

Grand Gabriel: Fucking North just barged in here looking for you, on my way.

I snickered before typing in my replies to Gabe and North, respectively.

Luscious Lucian: Quickly! 

Luscious Lucian: :p 

Still well on my way to the shop, I remembered the memories I unlocked this afternoon. Scenes flashed in my mind as if they were a movie-- we were standing outside the church-turned-diner talking about how it would look like, her arms around me as I led her out to this house for a job on her birthday, finally kissing her.

It was blurry, but it felt real. And although it was just a few memories, I could feel every emotion my past self had for her, for Sang. For Cupcake. It didn't matter to me that years may have passed and that maybe the feelings have changed, she was there. 

I had just set foot inside the shop when I texted Vic, thanking him. He knows why.

Victorious Victor: You're welcome.

Looking around the sweets surrounding me, my mouth watered. I could stay here forever. 

I may just have chosen the wrong meeting place. 

My eyes stopped at a cupcake stand and I grinned. I took out a tray and quickly filled it up with cupcakes, and a few cookies. This is my Cupcake box or basket. Then I got a few more cookies for my cookie stash back at home, North took all my cookies away after the stunt I pulled two nights ago. 

Saying that it was because a stranger claiming to be the cookie monster told me to do it, only added fuel to the fire. 

Worth it. 

I waited in line to pay for the treats when someone tapped my shoulder. Turning my head to check behind me, I saw a tall girl with brown hair with a pixie cut. I recognized her from somewhere, I'm not so sure where.

"Hey it is you!" She exclaimed, and when I said nothing she laughed and spoke again. "It's Karen! From high school? Ashley Waters? I understand if you don't remember, heck I'm also wishing that hell on earth never existed. You're Luke, right?"

Under The Spotlight (Ghost Bird Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora