Date Night

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I open my messages with Ryan. Maybe I should tell him, it wouldn't be so bad. The longer I wait, the angrier he'll be. Just then my phone buzzed.

Ryan: Please talk to me, whats going on?

Hailey: Nothing is wrong, please leave me alone. you said you would stop

Ryan: Fine. Don't tell me

Hailey: Ryan! Get this through your thick skull. We are not together, and will never be together. so leave me alone.

Ryan: I'll just ask Emery. She knows everything.

Hailey: Ryan, please stop. I've been going through some stuff, and I need you to stop. I promise I'll tell you soon.

Ryan: Tell me what?

Hailey: I can't tell you now. Just please do not talk to Emery. If you do I will never trust you again.

Ryan: I'm coming over

Hailey: What? No.

*Read at 5:28

"Mom! Can you take Presleigh to the park? I think Ryan is coming over."

"No Hailey, you need to tell him. Even if you don't, I'm not helping you hide your daughter anymore."

"Ughh, now you decide not to help."

Hailey: I really need your help. I'm sorry, we can talk but I need you to do me a favor.

Bradley: What is it?

Hailey: Can you take Presleigh for an hour. Ryan's coming over and I couldn't stop him

Bradley: I'll be right there

Hailey: Thank you sooo much!

*Doorbell rings*

I grab Presleigh and hand her to Bradley.

"Thanks again." I tell him before he walks out the door."

I watch Bradley drive off with my daughter and I let out a sigh of relief. I see the familiar black jeep pull up in my driveway. I open the door and let Ryan in. As he walks in, he looks to the table next to the door.

"Who's that?" He asks looking at a picture of Presleigh.

"Uh, that's my cousin."

"Ok. So what's going on."

"I told you, not yet."

My phone rang, I saw Bradley's name.

"One sec, I have to get this. It's my mom."

"What's up?"

" Presleigh keeps crying, I can't get her to calm down. She keeps saying she wants her mommy."

" Uh, OK bring her back. I'll try to get Ryan to leave. Don't come in until Ryan's car is gone."


"You have to go. My mom's almost home, she doesn't want people over."

"Fine, I'll come back another time."

He walked out the door and then turned around.

"Why is Bradley's car out front? Is that whats going on? Are you back together?"

"No, he's dropping off some stuff I left at school. Now leave."

He drove away and Bradley made sure he was gone before he picked up a still crying Presleigh. They walked in and he handed her to me.

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