Back to School Special

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I started at my new school in 3 days. I was scared. I didn't even look pregnant yet, maybe I had made a mistake. It was too late anyway. I had a tour of the school today. When I walked in with one of the teachers, she introduced herself as Ms. Smith. She told that their prom was in 4 months. She showed me around the school, i looked into a classroom and saw a group of guys in the back.

"I though only pregnant girls went here." I said

" and their boyfriends or baby daddies. We want to make the girls feel as comfortable as possible, and sometimes that means bringing their boyfriends with them."

I nodded.

After the tour is over she handed me a piece of paper with some phone numbers on it. These are the phone numbers of some of the girls who go here. If you need anything while you're here, feel free to text these numbers. She showed me one more room, the nursery. Some of the students children stay here during the day. I looked inside at all the little babies playing with each other. If these girls could do it, maybe I could too.

I quickly erased that thought out of my head. I could not be a teen mom. I'm just keeping this baby alive until it gets here.


It was my first day of school. I looked through my closet to find something cute to wear. I picked out leggings, a grey shirt, and some tennis shoes. Nothing fit me anymore. It's like I had popped overnight.

Hailey's Outfit

I got in the car and drove to school

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I got in the car and drove to school.( Hailey is 3 months pregnant.) My phone lit up. I checked it, a text from Cassidy. She had been texting for a month. Ryan had told her I had moved, and she wanted to know where. 

I finally answered, " I can't tell you where I am, but i miss you. I promise I'll come back this summer to visit. "

She answered, "You're alive! LOL. But I won't be there if you go visit. I came to live with my dad."

 I looked at my phone in shock. I was so distracted I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I said as I looked up.

It was Cassidy. I hugged her so tight my baby kicked me. She told me she had gotten a job student teaching here.

"you're so pregnant, wow" she said and laughed.

"You're dad lives here?"

"yea, he and my mom split up right after you left."

" I'm so sorry I couldn't text you. I just didn't want Ryan to know about this."

She told me Ryan had asked about me. She didn't tell him about the baby, just asked him if I texted, tell her. The baby kicked again. Ow. I felt it. It was so weird, there was a tiny human growing inside me. My phone lit up

* You have 6 missed texts from Mom*

I unlocked my phone and looked at it

Honey are you there?

Someones here to see you.

It's important

Please call me


It's Bradley.

After Lunch I drove home because it was an early release day. I grabbed my backpack and held it in front of my stomach in case Bradley was still here. He was. 

" Hi Hailey."

" What are you doing here?"

" I'm friends with Ryan, he asked if I knew where you were. I still have your location on my phone from that concert we went to. He wants to know why you won't answer him."

"I- I've Been really busy. In fact, I have some homework to do."

I went upstairs and shut the door. I set my bag on the ground and took out my phone. i saw a text from Ryan. I called him.

" What's going on, I didn't know you were in Georgia."

"That was the point. Why the hell would you send Bradley looking for me?"

"What are you talking about?

"I lied." a voice said as my door opened. He looked at my stomach and his jaw dropped.

" I'll call you back." I told Ryan and hung up.

"You're .."

"Pregnant? Yes, I am. And if you tell Ryan or anyone else I'll kill you."

"Is this why you left."


He took out his phone and looked at it with wide eyes. I was confused so I grabbed it out of his hand. I saw a text from Ryan. "Where in Georgia." 

"You told him!"

"Yea, sorry, oh and I shared your location with him. Sorry, It's his baby isn't it?"

I nodded

I threw his phone at him. My life is ruined. Bradley's going to tell him about me and my life will be over.

"I won't tell him." Bradley said, almost reading my thoughts. " On one condition."

"And what's that?" I ask

He pulls me in for a kiss and I don't stop him. My heart flutters and my baby kicks. He pulls away and asks,

"What was that."

" That would be your best friends creation."

He laughs and kisses me again. I tell him this is all I can do. He tells me it's fine, and kisses me harder, with more passion. I push him off me, a tear slides down my cheek. 

"I-I can't do this..."

"Why not."

"I can't go through any more heartbreak, and you were the hardest to get over. Please just go home."

"I drove 6 hours to check on you for Ryan, I can't just go home."

"You can stay in the guest room, but you need to be gone by tomorrow."

"I will, I have school tomorrow."

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