First Day Back

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I had been exhausted taking care of Presleigh. I had gotten a job to help with expenses, even though my mom said she would help out with Presleigh, I wanted to prove that I could do it on my own. The Clines had not been visiting as much as they said they would, so I got to spend a lot of time with her. She looked just like Ryan, and it was kind of hard to look into those eyes everyday. They were identical. Ryan had be calling almost everyday to see what was wrong and why I had called him from the hospital.

2 years later

 Hailey is now 17, and Presleigh is 2.

"Hey Mom!" Hailey said as she walked in the door. 

"Come sit down sweetheart, I need to talk to you."

"What's going on" I ask as I pick up Presleigh.

"We're moving back to Florida."

"WHAT?" I say. "We can't move."

"Actually, we have to. Our rent is almost over on this house and my old law firm in Florida is willing to pay a lot more if I come back."

" Fine, but I'm not happy about it."

My mom and I spent the next few months packing everything into boxes and slowly moving it to Florida in our cars so we didn't have to take a moving truck. We had just moved all of our stuff back to Florida. My mom had registered me back at my old high school. Now I had to find a daycare for Presleigh, that was close enough to drive to, but not too close in case one of my friends saw. Cassidy was still living in Georgia, so my best friend wasn't going to be here to help me face Bradley. And Ryan. Oh, what was I going to tell Ryan. The first thing I did was post a picture on Instagram, saying I was back. I did this so Ryan wouldn't be surprised if he saw me. 


Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Me n' Mama back in Business

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Me n' Mama back in Business

It was my first day back at school. I threw on a grey t-shirt, some black denim overalls, and some black boots. I went on my phone and deleted any pictures off my social medias so no one would know I was 17 and had a two year old daughter. I love her to death, but i needed to be seen as me not the girl with the kid. I had a strawberry smoothie for breakfast and drove to school.

My first class of the day was math. I had already learned the next three lessons at my old school so I made sure I knew what my next class was, and then I texted my mom to see if presleigh was ok. I went to the bathroom to call Cassidy because I was bored.  She asked how presleigh was doing and we talked for a few minutes before I hung  up. I heard a stall open.

"Well, well if it isn't Mrs. runaway."

Emery had walked out of the stall and was staring me down.

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