One chance

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Hinata and Kageyama: Fired?!

Yachi: I'm sorry I love both of you. I really do. It's not about us anymore though. We're not highschoolers anymore. We have responsibilities. It's not about us, it's for the kids.

Tanaka: Yachi don't you think that's a little extreme

Yachi: Please just. This is really hard for me too. Shoyo, Tobio, I'm sorry.

Noya: Yachi-

Sugawara: I'm sorry I'm on Yachi's side. The kids are our main responsibility

Hinata: Yachi please

Yachi: Please don't make me repeat myself. (she is right now on the verge of tears)

Kageyama: Look, we're hurting Shoyo, let's just listen to her.

Yachi: I'm sorry

Hinata and Kageyama both go home with Naoko and Aki. They had to leave practice early because Yachi didn't want them to stay.

Hinata: Well this is a little sad

Kageyama: Shut up

Aki: It's all Naoko's fault. If he never ran away the first time to see that dude in the grey hair everything would have been good,

Naoko: My fault?! If dad would have just told me who Oikawa was, then this wouldn't have happened.

Hinata: Naoko stop talking to your dad like that we are all to blame here.

Kageyama: I said SHUT UP!

Back at the practice Tanaka and Noya are the Volleyball Coaches.

Tanaka: Okay little kids. Who knows how to spike a ball?

Mitsue: We all know how to spike a ball....we've been playing since middle school..


Hiroto: Mr Tanaka. Is it true that Mr. Hinata and Mr. Kageyama is not coaching us anymore?

Mitsue: Shut up Hiroto we need to try that quick attack again. I wanna see if we can do it again.

Rekka:Yea i wanna see if I can dig it up.

Noya: Hey buddy what's your name?

Rekka: Rekka sir. Mr. Kageyama told me that I'm a libero now.

Noya: Can I see your form?

Rekka: Umm sure Mr. Noya.

Hiroto and Mitsue both get into position. Mitsue sets the ball and Hiroto hits it with precision. Unfortunately Rekka was too slow to dig the ball up.

Hiroto and Mitsue: YEAA

Rekka: Damn it.

Noya: Here Rekka make sure you're on your toes at all times and don't pinpoint where you think the ball is gonna land. If you do it will make your reflexes slower and you won't be able to react in time.

Rekka: Yes sir.

Sakura: Umm is Mr. Hinata and Mr. Kageyama here?


Noya: Unfortunately no you need them?

Sakura: I came in here earlier and I was just about to drop this form off.

Noya: Ohh you're the manager?

Sakura: I was hoping to be. Umm if not I can just go and come back tomorrow.

Noya: No it's fine i'll take it.

Sakura left and the team is doing serving practice.

Tanaka: Wow this is pretty fun. I didn't know you became so mature Noya.

Noya: This feels off. I don't know why.

Just then they see Mitsue sends a serve that Noya notices before. It's almost like he's seen that serve before.


Mitsue: Me?

Noya: Where did you learn how to serve like that?

Mitsue: Umm my dad why?

Noya: That's a pretty fast serve buddy. Tell your dad that he did great.

Tanaka: What was that about Noya it was just a serve I've seen faster today.

Noya: I don't know, it just feels familiar. I just have this gut feeling. (A libero's instinct)

It is now the end of practice and everyone is going home.

In the morning.
Everyone is now going to school. Naoko is getting dressed while Aki is doing some dishes. There has been no conversation between Naoko and Kageyama whatsoever.

Hinata: What the hell Tobio suck it up. you're acting like a kid.

Kageyama: He's been getting in touch with Oikawa. How the hell am i supposed to "Suck it up" God knows what he did to him.

Hinata: That's gross Tobio.


Hinata: Aki Naoko, do you want us to drive you to school?

Aki: We'll be fine with riding our bikes.

Hinata Okay be see you later guys.

Kageyama: Imma see if i can get a quick part time job.

Hinata: K bye tobio.

Just when Kageyama left, Hinata decided to go back to Karasuno. It was like his second home anyways.

In the office.
Hinata: Please Yachi, I'm really sorry we will teach them will. You don't understand.

Yachi: I'm sorry please stop making this hard. No means no.

Hinata: Your son and Mitsue have been able to match the speed of our quick attack......

Yachi: Wait what did you just say?

Hinata: Mitsue and Hiroto have managed to match the speed of the new quick attack. The one that Tobio and I pulled off during highschool. I might even think that it's faster. Just please allow us to coach again. We will be able to make it faster.

Yachi: You have one practice and that's it. If you can't prove to me that you two are cut to be coaches, then i won't hesitate to fire you once more.

Hinata: Thanks so much Yachi, I promise I won't let you down. The Crows will be able to fly all over again!!

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