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Hinata: We were a tad rusty... hehe plus we haven't done that quick in years.

Kageyama: Yea. I really have no excuse except that we retired.

Mitsue: So that wasn't a fluke?

Hiroto: That's so cool he flew!!

Tanaka: Unfortunately not, that was not a fluke. What that was was garbage. Back in the day, that's how we earned most of our points. It was when it was good though.

Noya: I know! Right little buddy. Hinata is called the tiny giant for a reason. Asahi made most of the points though he was the Ace back when we were your age.

Mitsue: So all of you guys were on the team?

Noya, Tanaka, Sugawara, Asahi, Hinata, And Kageyama: Yea

Tanaka: We also had these managers named-

Hiroto: yea my mom was one of them. Yachi.


Hiroto: Yea i wanted to come here because i was inspired by him *points at Hinata* I wanted to be the next tiny giant.

Sugawara: That sounds familiar.

The bell rings and school is officially over. A few seconds later about 15 kids ran into the gym. Everyone jumps and the kids start yelling.


Sugawara: Kids settle down please. The coaches are right here.

Kids: I'm sorry Mr. Sugawara

Naoki: Hey dad

Hinata: Hey Naoki:

Kageyama: Alright kids. Umm there is a-lot of you guys so yo-u need to ke-e-

Hinata: Hey kids my name is Shoyo Hinata and this is Tobio Kageyama. There are a lot of you so some you guys might not get picked. Well to get that negativity out of the way, let's do some stretches.

The kids start to do some stretching and after they play pepper in partners. (For people who don't know what pepper is. All they do is pass the ball to each other switching off from bumping, setting, and Spiking) Mitsue and Hiroto are both partners and Hiroto keeps hitting the ball out.

Mitsue: Why can't you do anything right? Stop hitting the ball out it's a pain to go get the ball.

Hiroto: I'm sorry

Kageyama: Hiroto here you drop your hips more and make sure you use all of your body to pass the ball.

Hinata: Well look at you Mr. Coach!

Kageyama: Shut up

They are now moving onto hitting the ball so Hinata and Kageyama can know what position will be good for who. It's Hiroto's time to hit and when the ball is set....they can see him fly. Hiroto hit the ball way above the net and everyone was shaking.

Naoko: Who is that?

Hinata: Hiroto you just flew?! Why were we not aware of this during the practice match?

Hiroto: My leg was kinda hurting and plus it was a lot to dig the ball then jump really high-

Naoko: Umm dad what do you mean you had a practice game?

Kageyama: We had a practice set against Hiroto and Mitsue. Come to think of it they were really good and they have a a lot of potential.

Hinata: Yea Mitsue is really good at putting the ball where it needs to go while, Hiroto has that awesome jump.

Naoko: What do you mean they have a lot of potential? Why am I not good enough? I work so hard to please you. You have no idea. Now you are trying to replace me with these kids my age. I work so hard to get where I am and I'm just not some prodigy like you okay? I've been replaced BY YOU TWO! *points at Hiroto and Mitsue*

Hinata: Naoko Son, wait it's not like that.

Naoko his whole life had high expectations with volleyball because of who his fathers were. It was just that he is almost at his full potential. He was not gifted with powers like pinpoint tosses like Kageyama or super jumping power like Hinata: He was an ordinary human. He felt like he was a disappointment because he was not special. He can only get so far. Naoko runs as fast as he can out of the school with tears in his eyes. He runs for what seems like 15 min and accidentally bumps into a man. He had greyish hair and was about 6 ft tall.

Naoko: I'm sorry where am i?

Man: Hello little guy you are near Aobajohsai High.

Naoko: I'm Naoko, who are you?

Man: I'm Oikawa, where do you need to go? Ohh are those volleyball shoes you play?

Naoko: Umm yea my dad is a coach.

Oikawa: Ohh interesting what is your dad's name?

Naoko: Which one?

Oikawa: Just any why not. I might just know them.

Naoko: Kageyama, Tobio

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