Chapter Fifteen

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It's lunch and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out and see it's from Jayla.

Are you okay?

Yeah I'm fine

Okay just don't let that jerk get to you.

I look up at her and nod my head and smile. She smiles back at me. "Hey guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom okay?" They all nod and I stand up and walk towards the door. When I get to the door Jessica walks up beside me "Hey where you going" "To the bathroom" "okay just tell me if you need something okay" I nod and kiss her cheek before walking out of the cafeteria.

As I was walking out the bathroom towards the cafeteria I felt like someone was watching me. When I turned around no one was there, so I started to walk around then I heard footsteps. When I turned around I was pushed onto the floor. I looked up and saw it was Dylan and some people from his team.

I was gonna to get up but I was pushed back to the ground. "See guys how can Jessica take this weak and pathetic nerd over me." He says as he grads my hair. "Get off of me" I shout at him. "What are you gonna do it I don't, are you going to go running and crying to your girlfriend." Just as he said that he got punched in his face.

I look up it's Jayla I get up and go to her. "That bitch punched me" Dylan says as he holds the side of his face.
"You stay away for her or I'll make sure I'll personally beat you ass." She spat at him. "You'll regret ever doing that." He says as him and his team walk away.

Jayla turn to me "are you okay did he hurt you?" She says as she's checking for bruises. "No he didn't but my arm is a little sore from when I fell." "Okay do you wanna go back to the cafeteria." "Sure but please don't tell anyone especially Jessica I don't want her to worry." "Okay let's go" we start walking towards the cafeteria.

Now it's after school and we're hanging out in the parking lot until I have to pick up Amelia. She texted me saying she had detention.
"So are y'all dating now?" Layla asked Jennifer and Jayla. They both blushed as nodded. We all cheered and hugged them. After that we was just talking. At some point Jessica grabs onto my sore arm. "Ouch" I hissed in pain. "Are you alright" I just nod my head. "Bullshit let me see your arm." I hold my arm out and she rolls up my sleeves. I noticed that there's a bruise on my arm. "Amber what happened." Now everyone except Jayla is starting at me. "Umm..." "she fell when she went to the bathroom." Jayla says well she's not lying. "Well Amber is not a clumsy person" Alicia says. Damn you Alicia. I look back at Jessica you can tell that she's mad. She just takes a deep breath and starts taking. "Amber can you please tell me how you got this." "Well when I was coming back from the bathroom and someone pushed me." I mumbled the last part but I think she heard it because she asked me who.

I looked at Jayla for help,she was about to say something but Jennifer and Jessica both glared at her so she shut her mouth. "Nobody special just your ex." I said in an almost whisper. "Omg he's gonna get his ass kicked." Jessica says as she hugs me. "Just please tell me when something like this happens please." She whispers and I nod and kiss her.

I notice the time I have to go get Amelia. "Alright guys I got to go get Amelia." They all nod "Don't forget sleepover at my house." Layla says "I won't" I say as I get in my car.

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