Chapter 9

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The guards took me to the palace then enetered into the palace and now taking me into the throne room is where I saw my mother. "Mommy, don't go!" I cried, grab her hand. "Zaya, please stay." Daddy begged towards mommy. "Alice." Mom spoke up. "My Queen. You know her?" The gaurd asked. "Yes. She's my daughter." Mom said, and everyone was in the room was in shock. "Why you didn't tell dad?" I asked. "Everyone leave us." Mom order, as everyone walked out of the room and the door was shut. "Cause he wouldn't understand. I had to come back because I was the only one next in line for the throne." Mom tells me. "But...he wanted you to stay. I wanted you to stay." I relpy, looking at her. "You have to understand." Mom stated, walking towards me. I back away from her. "Understands what? You left us!" I yelled angry tone. "Watch your tone." Mom said firmly.

"Rocket track the escape pod." Peter looked at Rocket and Rocket begin to track the escape pod. "Quill, are you sure about this?" Gamora asked him. "She's my daughter. Yes I am sure." Peter look at Gamora then beging to send the coordinates to Yundo. When Yundo got the coordinates he became worry about Alice cause Zaya royal family are way different. "Captain where to?" Ravagers asks. "Mercury." Yundo spoken.

"Alice let me show you around." Mom says, and I follow her but wasn't for sure what's going to happen. "Alice this is your grandparents." Mom tells me as I look at them. "I am Stella." Grandmother spoke up. "And I am Nixon." Grandfather said, and I shook their hands. "We should have a ball tonight from our granddaughter." Grandmather suggested. "That's a great idea." Mom agrees.


"This is your room." Mom said, open the door and I gasp. I entered then looked around while feeling mom's eyes on me. "Do you like it?" Mom asked me. "Yes?" I relpy as mom walked away and the door close by itself. "Stardust, can you hear me?" I heard dad's voice in the comms. "Dad?" I whisper. "Are you okay?" Dad asked worry. "Yeah. Did you know that mom is a queen." I relpy. "Yes. Stardust-" I notice the comms was cut off as I frown and wonder why. "Dad? Hello?" I whisper, and hear nothing. Couple minutes later, couple maids entered the room with a dress and other things. "Um....sorry. I don't do dress." I said. "The queen wanted you to wear a dress." One maid relpy. "Just I don't feel comfortable wearing a dress." I stated. And of course they put the dress on me then did my hair then makeup which I was made to wear high heels. After the maid left then I begin to change to style of dress into something that is me but took the heels off the shoe and put it on my black ackle boot. "There much better." I mutter to myself. Hope know one gets pissed off or any guys ask me to dance cause I never been into guys well I'm more into girls only. The door open then I heard a gasp as I turn my head and see mom standing there. "What did you do?" Mom asked me, walking towards me. "I just change the dress into more like me." I said as mom looked at me with a angry look. "What?" I says. "What was wrong with the dress?" Mom asked little bit angry. "I never like pink and it was too long." I relpy. "You always like pink." Mom stated. "Maybe you don't know me at all." I mutter. Mom sighed and lay the dress down then walked off but I looked at the dressed then start redesigning the dress into the color that's right for me.


"Lady's and Gentlemen, I give you my daughter, Princess Alice." Mom announces, and the door open. I started walking while everyone was looking me plus the dress was blue and little bit long but my hair was into a fishtail braid. By the time I got to to my mother, she had me sit next her as there was another throne for me. "Let's the party beging." Mom said, and music beging playing as everyone start dancing. Half way into the party I wasn't into this kind of party. "Your highness. May I have a dance with you?" A boy asked me. "Of course, she's love to." Mom said, as I gently stood up. He took my hand and bring me on the dance floor then we starts dancing until Yondu and Ravagers walk in. "What's the meaning of this?!" Mom said, stood up. "Yundo." I says, ran towards him. "Hey Stardust." Yundo spoke, hugged me. "And who are you?" Mom asked, walking towards Yundo. "Yundo and Ravagers." Grandfather spoke in a serious tone. "King Eragon. It's good to see you." Yundo relpy, while I stood next to Yundo. "Take him and his friends into the dungeon." Grandfather ordered. "What! No! You can't do that! They are my friends!" I agure. "SILENT!" Grandfather said in a loud voice.


I was pacing back and forth and worry about Yundo and Ravagers so I beging taking the dress off and put on my regular clothes. Mom walks in and I looked at her as she look at me. "They didn't do nothing wrong!" I said looking at her. "Calm down." Mom says. "No, I am not going to calm down!" I relpy, getting angry. "Prince from pandora want to talk to you." Mom said calm tone. "Why? No, I'm not in the mood to talk." I stated, as the Prince walked in then mom walk out. "I'm Prince Kaden. I want to ask you a question." Kaden spoke, and I put my gun in my boot. "Whatever it is. Just say it." I relpy, not looking at him. "Will you marry me?" Kaden asked. "No." I stated, look at him. "Why not?" Kaden asked little bit upset. "Cause I am only sixteen years old pluse I'm not ready for marriage." I added, walked out. As I press the comms and hope that I can get contact with dad or someone. "Dad? Anyone came hear. Yundo and Ravagers are in the dungeon." I whisper in the comms. A few minutes later, I sneak down into the dungeon while hearing someone humming a song. "Stardust?" One Ravagers spoke up, and Yundo glance at me. "What you doing?" Yundo asked me. "What you think? I'm getting you guys out of here and we are leaving." I said, place my hands on the cell bar and heat it. "Stardust, don't do something crazy." I heard dad voice through the comms. "What are you doing?" Mom said behind me. "What dose it look like?" I stated, sassy tone.


Six days later....

I been in the room ever since I try to save Yundo and Ravagers but now I am hope that dad will come and save us. The maids walk in with a white dress while mom entered the room. "What's going on?" I asks. "You are getting marry today." Mom told me. "What? No." I relpy, looking at her. As the gaurds brough in Gamora, Groot, Drax, Rocket and dad. "Alice." Dad spoke. "Dad." I said, ran towards him and hugged him. "You'll do what I say or they can be killed." Mom statted. I look at her as she was crazy but this can't be happening. "You can't force her into marry! Zaya, she's sixteen years old!" Dad yelled.

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