Chapter 3

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We entered the Collector's museum as there was different things in here. Then we met the Collector as he kissed Gamora's hand before notice Groot and I. Collector walked over toward dad and I while I looked at him. "I have never met a offspring of a Elemental. Little fact on the Elemental are connected with the elements and each one has their own abilities to blend the elements. Fire, Air, Earth and water each one can blend these elements but only Royalty can blend the four elements including having wings. Elemental does have a super strenght, and very high scentness also they can see into the future. Plus Elemental can be very dangerous because they have the skill that makes them very good for beging a assassin. Don't ever pissed off a Elemental because they will have different ways to kill someone and make it look like a accident." Collector said looking at me. "Dangerous? Alice isn't dangerous." Dad relpy. "Tavian don't. We didn't here for this." Gamora stated. "He need to know what his daughter capable of doing. She can stay with me. I'll take good care of her." Collector says. "Not going to happen." I said glaring at him. Collector snaps his finger as a Corina came with a box. "What are you doing?" Dad asked little bit worry. "Watch." Collector says while Corina open the box. I stare at the box then seeing a huge fight happening as it change of me seeing my dad turn into dust.

Peter saw tears coming down his daughter face then look at the Collector. "Stop it!" I yelled. "Dad!" Alice cried out as Peter ran towards her. "Hey, hey. Stardust, I'm here." Peter whisper while cuping her face with his hands. Alice start to fight Peter while he was dodge it and was in shock how she was acting like she wants to hurt him. "Close it!" Gamora growl. "Corina close it." Collector order as Alice pass out. Peter caught her while he was worry at what she saw as he pick her up. "I don't care what you say. I know my daughter and I still love her." Peter whisper while looking at Alice. "Peter the orb." Gamora says. Peter taking the orb out while one arm wrap around Alice. Peter accidentally drop it as a stone came out of the orb while Collector get close until Corina got close to the stone. "Corina. Stand back." The Collector order. "I will no longer be your slave!" Corina shouted and wrap her hand on the stone. Purple flares and flames were shooting as Peter and Gamora cover Alice by using theirself as a shield. There was a huge explosion and a loud boom after everything settled, they stood up and Peter held Alice in his arms. "What the fuck." Peter mutter and things were crashing while falling. They made there was towards the stone as mutluple ceature running around and free. Gamora marched forward as she slammed the orb shut while Alice start to waking up


Gamora, Dad and I ran out of the museum and met up with Rocket and Groot. Peoplee were running around and screaming as I saw Drax in the distance pulled out his daggers. "Dad-" I was cut off when three people push me away from dad. Soon as I got up from the ground and notice Yondu till one of the Ravagers saw me. "Boss! There's Stardust!" One Ravager shouted and pointing at me. "Oh shit!" I mutter to myself. I quickly got up and starts running as couple Ravagers circle me. "I wouldn't do that if I was-" Ravagers cut Yondu off when the start to fight me. I blend air at them before wrap my legs on one and flips him. A minute later, all the Ravagers groans in pain and laying on the ground as Yondu walked towards me. "It been along time, Stardust." Yondu says as I looked at him. "It seem they forgot what I can do." I relpy with a smirk and saw the faceless alien. I threw fire the faceless alien while the Ravagers getting up and I glance at them. "Man, you could have go easy on us." One Ravager said in pain. "Life isn't easy." I stated.


After a while Yundo walked in the room as I was making fire shape dragon in my hand. "Stardust wanna help your ol' pal Yundo kick some ass." Yundo asked me and I shrugged. I follow him and seeing the Ravangers circling someone as it was Gamora then saw dad. "Stardust." Dad aays, I walked towards him. He knew that I was pissed at him till I punch him very hard. "I oughta kill you for betraying me. Hell even your own daughter hates you!" Yundo yelled. "I never said I hate him." I mumble as Dad glance at me. "Then was what?" One Ravangers shouted. "He knows that I am pissed but knows that I still love him pluse he's my father." I stated. After the little negotiation and Rocket attempt to save us as Dad took me to a room so we could talk. I wouldn't look at him as Dad sat down on crate then he sighed. "Do you want to talk, Alice?" Dad asked, and I still didn't look at him. "Can please talk to me." Dad says looking at me. "You left on Knowhere." I mutter before looking at him. "What? No. Alice I-we had people after us. I had no choice to run. I was freaking out. Stardust I'm sorry that I left you here." Dad explained. "I'm forgive you but I still pissed off at you." I relpy, point my finger at him. Dad and I gave each other a hugged then he kissed my head.


Gamora, Rocket, Groot and Drax entered short after. We figure a plan to stop Ronan and get the orb. "You called that figured out? We're gonna rob the guy the beat us senseless!" Rocket raised his voice. "You wanna talk senseless? How about try to us by blowing us!" Dad shouted and glare at Rocket while Rocket rolled his eyes. "We were only gonna blow you if they didn't turn you over." Rocket said. "And how in the Earth were they gonna turn us over when you gave them a count of five?!" I agrue. "I didn't have the time to work out the minutiae of the plan. Man, this is what we get for acting altrusitically." Rocket relpy and I try to hold back my angry. Gamora steps in while Dad place his hand on shoulder to calm me down. "What's improvement now is that we get the Ravagers army to help us save Xandar." Gamora added. "Why? So we give the stone to Yundo who will sell the stone to somebody even worse." Rocket stated with scoffed. "He has a point there." I said with a nods. "We'll figure something out later." Dad noted while Gamora sighed. "We have to stop Ronan." Gomora relpied. "How?" I asked. "I have a plan." Dad stated as Rocket and I glance at him. "You've got a plan?" Rocket and I said unison. "Yes." Dad relpy. "First all, you're copying me for when o said I had plan." Rocket noted as I did a faceplate and let out a groans. "No I'm not. People say that all the time, it's not that unique of a things to say." Dad says. "Second of all, I don't think you have a plan." Rocket states. "I have--part of a plan." Dad said. "What percentage of a plan to you have?" Drax spoke up. "You don't get to ask questions after the nonesnes you pulled on Knowhere." Gamora relpy, pointing her finger at her him. "I just saved Quill." Drax said. "No you didn't. We've already established that you destorying the ship that I am on is not saving me!" Gamora agrue. "When did we established that?" Drax asked. "Oh my god!" I mutter. "Like three seconds go!" I snapped. "I wasn't listening I was thinking of something else." Drax mumble. "She's right you don't get a opinion. What percentage." Rocket says before looking back at my dad. "I dunno, like twelve percent." Dad relpy with a shrugged. "Twelve percent?" Rocket started laugh a lot which I could see it's fake. "That's fake." Dad respond, glare at Rocket and Rocket stop laughing. "It's real." Rocket said. "Totally fake." I mutter to myself. "That is the most real, authentic,hysterical laugh in my entire laugh because that is not a plan." Rocket explained.

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