Chapter 1

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Dad and I was on some wastland cause Yondo wants us to get this orb shape which should be easy right? "Ready, Stardust?" Dad asked as I press the button behind my ear. My mask cover my face and I gave Dad a nods yes. We steps out of Milano onto the wastland while I wonder why mom left us. Dad never talks about her or tell me why she left us. I look up and saw huge demolished building. Once we walked through the entrance and dad nodded that it was okay to take your mask off. We both press the button as our mask went behind our ear. "So we have to get this orb?" I said looking around. "Yep." Dad noted while putting headphones on. I chuckles, could hear the music and I humming along. There were some mouse like creatures thar were roaming the place. I was to busy dancing to notice that one was going to pounce on me. As dad caught it in midair and use it as a microphone. I chuckles at him before he started dancing which made me giggles.


We reached the door that we need to get through. I saw dead body one was those ceatures in the front of the door. Dad open the door as we both saw the orb on the other side of the room. "Alice go back to the Milano." Dad said and I look at him. "What? I want to help." I relpy. "Alice Meredith Quill, go back to the ship." Dad says in a firm voice. I groan in frustration then walked out. As I got near Milano that's when I saw some faceless alien till something hit it and I turn my head which it was dad. When dad and I got into Milano as I got into other pilot seat.


A few minutes later, Dad got Milano into the air till it started to spinning out of control.   "Why this damn orb so important to Yundo?!" I yelled. "I don't know!" Dad shouted back. "When I see Yundo, I'm going to kick his ass!" I mutter to myself. The ship got steadied as for dad breathing heavily and I glance at him. "You good?" I asked him. Then unexpectedly, a latch opens and a pink lady climbed out while I did a faceplate and shook my head. "One of your one night stands?" I asked before looking at him. "Yeah." Dad admited. The lady ask dad what happen and he beging speaking in alien language.


Now we landed on a planet name Xandar as he told to stay at the water fountain. I decided to blend the water till a fury ceature and a tall tree man. "Hi there. I'm Alice." I said kindly. "I am Groot." It says. "Well Groot. It's nice to meet you." I relpy as Groot made a tree crown with some flowers. Groot put it on my head and blend small water as it turn into a ice flower. "Here you go." I state, and Groot took it. "Groot, what the hell are you doing?" The furry creature asked. "He was just making a friend." I noted. The furry creature look at me and I looked at him. "How about you go to your parents." The fury ceature stated. "My father told me to stay and my bitch mother left my dad and I." I relpy in little rude tone.


A few minutes more past, till I saw my dad in the distance land on top of a green lady. I slowly and carefully head toward them then somehow the lady was blown into the air but landed in sort of a pool. Groot caught and put him in a large bag as I beging to run over to them. "Hey! Let him go!" I yelled at Groot and serious look. "Kid steps back." The green lady said behind me. Which I steped back then trying look for my dad till my eyes land on the Nova Corp that as my dad so I ran over towards them. "Hey asshole!" I said as the officers looked at me. "Kid steps back this is none of your business." The officers says and I glare them. "This is my damn business. Let my father go." I growled. Both officers look at my dad in shock. "You have a kid?" One officer spoke in shock. I walked towards dad then hugged him as I knew that he was smiling. "I'm surprise you didn't know about her, she's one of the youngest Ravanger, they are called her Stardust." The officer explained. They took us in which I didn't care as along I'm with my dad cause he's the only one I can count on.

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