Chapter 4

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Sorry but I getting to this part so yeah. Also skipping some part because it's getting when I wrote this chapter.

We was heading towards the ship that Gamora called the Dark Aster as I glance at Dad. "So that the ship we have to kill?" I asked. Dad nodded and made the Milanio go faster while Rocket and his team went past all the small ememy ships to the side of the Dark Aster and Yundo can get inside. Once Rocket said we were good to go, Dad tried to fly pass the ememies. Yundo then shouted that's he's going down through the comms systems. I glance at Dad with worry and scared as something hit the side of the Milanio as fell out of my seat. "Alice are you okay?" Gamora asked. Nova Crop appears while I got up from the floor then smiled at my dad as he smiled. "They got my dick message!" Dad said. 


Gamora went another way to open a big close door but I scentness something going to happen. Dad, Groot and I follow Gamora. As we was running down the hall as I pulled gun. A man from the abandoned planet and the faceless freak stood in front of us. I had my gun lock and loaded as I was ready for a fight while he looked at my dad. "Starlord." He said, and dad grinned. "Finally." Ddad says. The fighting begins as I shoots at the faceless freaks, Drax ripped off a thing at the side of the leader's head at the end of the shooting and stabbing. I blending fire while Drax grab my hand and kick them in the face. "You are very good in a fight." Drax stated and I noded. Groot extended his arm and stabbed a row the freaks, then using them crush the other ones. Dad, Drax and I looked at each other since Groot was overkilling them and once he was done he turned back and smiled at us. "Good job." I said with a noded.


Gamora opened the big door and we ran to the front of the ship. The guy who was called Ronan was just standing there. Drax push me behind me so I don't give hurt but I push him away. I watch them launch a missile launcher and dad fire it. There was a huge

blue explosion that made fall to the ground. Ronan was still alive, he stood up and turn to face us. "Oh shit." I mutter as he moved his hammer and blew us all back. I let out a grunt when Drax starts running towards Ronan, Gamora ran over to me while I blend the metal recover us as I could feel the ship was going down. Gamora stood and I glance around while there was fire and prices of the ship everywhere. Till Gamora and I saw Drax unconscious while dad was getting Rocket out of his ship.


We all sat in circle as my dad held me close then there was a explosion happening different part of the ship falling apart as it fell towards the ground. "Dad... I'm scared." I whisper in scared tone. He look at me with sad eyes and kissed my head. "Me too, Stardust." Dad relpy as there was crashes explosions, rocks and other stuff falling down near us. Groot started extending branches around us, little green leaves started blooming. I touch one of them then looked at Groot as a daisy appear in my hair. The branches then closed around us and Rocket woke up then looked around. Groot made a yellow glowing orbs fly around for light. "No Groot. You can't. You'll die. Why you doing this?" Rocket said standing in front of Groot. "We... are... Groot." Groot's respond surprised me and probably everyone else. "I love you dad." I says, hugged dad tightly. "I love you too, Stardust." Dad said and everything went black.


I open my eyes and lay on rocks and dirt then looked around as there was ashes including part of the ship and dad slowly getting up. As I head over to him then he glance at me as we didn't say nothing we just hugged each other. Dad and I saw Gamora, Rocket and Drax getting up but I didn't see Groot anywhere. "Groot?" I whisper. A purple glow came from the smoke of the ship as my eyes widen as Ronan appear from the smoke with his hammer in his hand. "Rocket don't!" I called out."You killed Groot!" Rocket say, got mad and he lunged at Ronan. Then Ronan blasted Rocket back with hammer as I gasp and Ronan looked around. "Behold, your guardians of the galaxy!" Ronan said.


Ronan raised his hammer up as Dad nods his head towards me then to Gamora and I went to Gamora. She place her hand in my shoulder and I turn back while seeing dad was standing up and siging to Ronan. We was confuse as what he was doing but he did got Ronan to gently bring his hammer down. "What are you doing?" Ronan asked dad, and dad smiled. "Dance off bro, you and me." Dad relpy and started dancing then pointing to Gamora and me. I shrugged then walked over and started dancing with my dad which to me, I didn't care. Also I notice Drax and Rocket were almost done building the missile launcher. "What are you doing?!" Ronan asked angain only angry. "We're distracting you, ya big turd blossom." Dad relpy with a grin. Ronan turn around and Drax fired to missile, it Ronan's hammer and it was like everything went into slow motion. Dad and Ronan were both reaching for the stone. "Dad!" I called out while I reach out towards him. "No!" Ronan shouted. "Quill don't!" Gamora called out. Dad got the purple stone as purple clouds came out of nowhere and starting swirling around him. I look at Drax and Rocket as they looked at me then I ran into the cloud while seeing Gamora and dad was holding hands while screaming in pain. Drax was next to dad then held on dad's shoulder and he also screamed in pain. I ran towards Gamora and held her hand as my whole body hurting while my eyes tearing up. But then a lot of the pain went away, I saw rocket holding Drax's finger. Ronan was standing in front of us, he looked shocked. "You're mortal. How?" Ronan asked dad. "You said it yourself, bitch." Dad says. "We're the guardian of the gralaxy." I spoke. All of a sudden Ronan was surrounded in purple fire. He tried to get away but he soon disappeared. Gamora close the stone in one of those gray orb and everyone was panting. There was clapping behind us as I turn my head and saw Yundo and Ravagers were walking to us.  "Well, that was quite the light show. Damn even Stardust here survived." Yundo said.


We was with Nora Prime while they talking to  Dad and Gamora as they said they found something in inside dad's DNA. "So that mean your daughter Alice, is sixty percent Elemental and twelve percent human that's what she look human because elemental look more human than thing. 

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