Chapter 2

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"Alice Meredith Quill. Fifteen years old. Daughter of terran Peter Jason Quill and Zaya Blackstars, who left when Alice was six months. She been a Ravager ever since she learn how to walk and talk. Has stolen couple things and murder in self defense." Corpsman Dey said,  reading mine profile out loud. I notice the fury ceature and Groot was staring at us till Dad look at them. "What?" Dad asked. "So this is your daughter?" The ceature said. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Why you want to know?" The fury ceature relpy. "I am Groot." Groot told me. "Well, Rocket it's nice to meet you." I said towards Rocket as he was in shock. "You under stand him?" Rocket question. "Yes." I answer. "But how?" Rocket question. "Just do. Any questions?" I relpy.


The Norva Corp took me into storge which I had a plan. I glance around to make sure that no one was watch as I saw my alien tazer then my pocket lock. Grab them and put it into my pocket as couple mintues later a guard with oragne skin came to me. "Stand up!" He demanded. "Fuck off." I relpy. "There is a couple Xandar that will take you in." He said. "Sorry. I'm staying here with my dad. You can't force me." I stated. "Look here kid. We can't keep a fifteen years old here. I don't care what happen to you." He says and I smirk. "I don't care what happens to you neither." I answer, blend the metal from the storage and wrapped around his neck. He try to breath as I was putting him asleep till he fell unconscious. I handcuffed him to a pole then grabs a bag and put my things, and dad's stuff. "Time to have some fun." I mutter to myself with a smile.


There was flash of red lights and alarms as I beging running with bag in my hand till I ran into the green lady but there was Rocket, Groot, alien with red marking then my dad. "Stardust it's-" I cut him off with a hugged. "Thank God you are okay." I says, the green lady and man with red marking was surprise. "What happen to that guy?" Rocket asked. "Oh him? He try to give away so I knock him out." I relpy while I hand dad the bag. "Our stuff is here." I said while I gave Rocket, Green lady and Man with red marking as I gave them their stuff. "Stardust do you see Milanio?" Dad asked him, and I look through the big window. "Yep." I relpied. "Take these four prison to the Milanio." Dad stated. "Dad. I know that look." I noted. "Alice please just trust me. I'll meet you at the Milanio." Dad relpy, kissed my head and ran in the other hallway. "Come on, let's go. We don't have all day." I told them, while walking.


As we made our way towards the Milanio I opened it then we got in as Rocket got into the copilot. I sat in the pilots seat and straps in. "We should leave him." Rocket said after I pulled out my gun and point at Rocket. "We are not leaving him. You understand me pisqueak." I spoke in a threaten tone. "I like her." The man with red marking stated. Rocket took his hands off the controls and sit back while I put my gun on my lap. "How old are?" Green lady asked me. "Fifteen." I relpy and dad come on the Milanio. "Alright, let's get out of here." Dad stated.

Dad start fly Milonia and I made a fire appear in my hand. "You're a

Elemental." Green lady said and I nods yes. "That's how you understand him." Rocket question. "Yep." I relpy before putting on my headphone on. As I was listening to one of dad's music.


Dad was flying the Milanio while I was stetching Groot in my stetch book. "Are we going tell each other names?" I suggested, and not looking at no one. "I'm Drax, and you." Drax says before I close my stetch book. "I'm Alice." I relpy looking at him. "I'm Rocket and this is Groot." Rocket said, Groot made me another tree crown with some flowers. "Gamora." Gamora says. "I'm guessing we are heading to Knowhere." I stated and looking my dad. "Yep." Dad relpy. I put on my jecket then put my hair into briad.


Gamora told us that we had to wait so Rocket, Groot and Drax went into the bar so I went in so I could keep a eye on them. "What a beautiful lady like you doing here?" A guy said as he was flirting with me. "You're not my type." I relpy, walked away. I never told my dad that I am lesbian. There was girl around my age so I walked up to her and order a drink. "What beautiful art work I ever seen." I said in a flirting tone. She looked at me and I smiled at her then sip on my drink. "Do you have a name?" She asked me. "Alice and you?" I relpy. "Emory." Emory says.


I was making out with Emory

till I hear a huge crash and I pulled away. "Sorry I have to go." I said quickly and ran out of the bar as Dad and Gamora look at me. "You might want to stop this." I shouted and they ran into the bar which I follow right after them. We saw Drax punching Groot and Rocket was pulling out his gun. Gamora ran in front of Drax while Dad ran in front of Rocket as I watch. "Woah! Woah! What are you doing?!" Dad yelled and Rocket pointed his gun at him. "This vermin speak of affair he knows nothing!" Drax spoke up. "That is true!" Rocket shouted. "He has no repsect!" Drax yelled. "That is also true!" Rocket shouted back while having his gun pointed at us. "Woah! Woah! Hold on!" I yelled while everyone in the bar was just stand and staring at us. "Keep callin' me vermin tough guy! You just wanna laugh like everyone else." Rocket said,he lower his gun. "Rocket you're drunk, no one's laughing at you calm down." Dad said putting his hand on Rocket's shoulder. "He thinks I'm just a stupid thing, he does. Well I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over an' over into...some little monster!" Rocket exclaimed, his word slurr. "Rocket no one is calling you a monster." Dad relpy calmly. "He called vermin! She called rodent!" Rocket said and pointed his gun at me. "Woah! Calm down!" I yelled. "Let's see you are laughing now brat!" Rocket yelled. "Hey, hey! No, no, no. Four billions! Rocket come on! Suck it in for one lousy night and you're rich." Dad stated while trying to reason with him. Rocket lower his gun and put it away as everyone start to calm down. Then a pink lady appears and lead us whatever we need to go.

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