"Shes Here..." - Julian's POV

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       I take in a shaky breath, steadying my shaky hands and digging them into my pockets. I have to do it. It's the only way we can ensure the safety of the people of Vesuvia. This plague is destroying the lives of millions and this is the only way we can ensure that no one else will get hurt after this. I have to kill him. I have to kill Lucio.

       Because of Lucio, we are all suffering from his debt. The only way to stop all of this from going any further is to kill him.

I take my hands out of my pockets and pull out a dagger from one of the pockets. I have to be quick about this before anyone notices, otherwise I'll be hung right on the spot. I take in another shaky breath and try to steady my nerves as best as I can.

"You can do this Julian..." I say to myself.

I start going up the stairs, my hands still trembling and my palms sweaty from my nerves. I make it to the top of the staircase, preparing myself as much as possible when I notice something strange.

Smoke. It's coming from the other side of the painting. What's going on? Is there a sudden fire? Did Asra leave his candles lit again? I push the past the painting, swinging it open and seeing the bedroom up in flames. The heat from the fire intense and I hear Lucio's screams. I have to get out of here, fast.

Volta's POV

I stood outside of the Count's room, along with Vulgora and Valerius. We patiently awaited for our Count to see if he is doing. We continue our discussion over the masquerade's delicacies when I suddenly sniff at the air.

"Oh dear, I smell something. Something horrible!" I shout.

"Well what is it?" Vulgora says, eagerly.

"I smell smoke! Very fresh smoke! And it's coming from our Count's quarters!" I say, everyone looking towards Count Lucio's room.

"Oh dear! Someone help!" I shout as Vulgora starts rushing towards the room.

Before Vulgora can reach the room a tall figure comes out from the room. He looked around the halls quickly before rushing down the opposite direction. I can't help but think to myself that he seems familiar. I look to Vulgora who has the same expression of shock and confusion on her face as I do.

Was that...Doctor Devorak?...

Asra's POV

I finally made it back to the shop, exhausted from all of the events that happened and from containing my emotions all night. The masquerade. The ritual. The nerves. Everything, I felt as if my life was draining away and it had only been a few hours.

I go inside the shop, shutting the door behind me swiftly and taking a look around. Is she already here? I look around her, checking the shop. Going into the kitchen but nothing. Rushing upstairs to my room and then into what used to be her room. But nothing. I go back to the shop, looking around frantically. There's no sign on her, nothing. I crouch down to my knees and bend over, weeping silently.

"I should have known this would never work..." I say to myself, tears continuing to flow down my face.

I feel as if I lost her all over again. The little hope that I had to gain her back was now crushed and disintegrated. I really have lost her, but I can't come to terms with it. My mind can't fully wrap around the idea of her being gone forever. I can't accept this cruel fate but I must. I should have known...

I continue to weep when I see a soft glow. I open my eyes and look around, trying to find where the source of the light is. I look to my chest, seeing the symbol that was imprinted on me glowing.

"What...?" I question to myself, why is it glowing...? Could this be...?

The glow begins the shine brighter, the pain intensifying even more. I hold my chest in pain until the glow shines even more. My body feels heavy as I see something. A dark cloud of smoke appears from the light of the glow. The cloud takes a form, a large bulgy form. It slowly starts moving towards me and I sit up, tears still rolling down my face but a curious look overcoming the streams of tears. The cloud moves towards me and goes down to my lap. I watch it curiously as it slowly disintegrates, it slowly fades away to reveals her...

It's Y/N. It's really her... Her sleeping figure laying on my lap as I instinctively wrap my arms around her. Tears and sobs of joy and sorrow taking over me and I cry into her chest.

"My love...you're here...you're really here, with me..." I say, my body trembling.

Her sweet figure laying before me. She's alive, she's breathing, she's here, in the flesh. I continue to hold her closely when I hear the shop door open. I hear stomping enter the room. I look to see who it is, Ilya.

"Asra, there's-" he says, stopping before me and taking a close look at my position.

"Asra, what's going on here?" Ilya questions, a bit of anger building up on his face.

"I think you know exactly what's going on." I say, glancing back at Y/N who's still laying on me with her eyes closed.

"Are you serious? Have you been deceiving me this whole time we've been together?" He questions.

"Ilya, I lost her. I did everything I could to get her back, you would do the same if you were in my situation." I say,

"You don't know what I would have done. If it was you I would have left you seeing as you have someone else on your arms when you were in mine." Ilya argues.

"Ilya, you knew how I really felt about you. Don't try to make it sound like I betrayed you when you know how I felt, you shouldn't have it happen to yourself in the first place." I say.

"Then why did you accept me?!" He shouts.

"I was desperate and I did it for reasons I can't explain nor do I want to." I explain.

"So you used me for your own selfish desires?" Ilya questions.

"It's a lot more complicated then that." I say, making him scoff.

"I hope you live happily with her, because I obviously can't make you feel what I feel. But I hope you think about what you did and regret ever taking advantage of me." He says, storming out of the shop.

The door slams shut as the bell continues to swing back and forth. I sigh to myself and look back at Y/N. I know what I did hurt Ilya but he doesn't know what it feels like to lose a part of you. A part so important and detrimental that without it you feel like living is useless.

I look at Y/N, her face still with her resting expression. I lift my hand and pull a strand of hair behind her ear, trailing my finger down her jawline. I lift my hand up and place it on her forehead, feeling it's temperature. She's burning up, her head feels hot, I watch as she groaned quietly at my touch. I better get her to bed. I lift her up bridal style slowly and smiles walk towards the bedroom.

I can't believe she's here. She's here, with me. I no longer have to mourn over her and dream of feeling her against me. I no longer have to cry each night wishing she was beside me. I can smile now that she's here and protect her with everything I have. I'll make sure of it.

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