Chapter 9

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Jennie POV

8.30 AM 16th January

I stared at the clock for a while and got off bed with a light groan.

"Didn't even realize." I murmured to myself as I shook my head and slid my phone off the bedside table and clicked the homekey to find a rough count of 40+ messages.

I scrolled through my chatbox and stopped at a certain contact- Mama.

I clicked on the bubble and saw a detailed text, like every year on this day.

"Hey JenJen. It's another year gone by without you. Your Dad and your Taehyung oppa miss you loads. And of course I miss my baby girl. Look at you all grown up. It feels like yesterday when you tripped on the pavement while running and scraped you knee and came to me crying like 'Mama, mama!' I know I say this every year, but truly, it is one of the best memories I have of you. All because I miss that time when I could hold my little girl in my arms and comfort her. I can still do that whenever you want, honey. Your Dad is kind of not in a suitable position like me because...C'mon. He can't carry you on his shoulders and spin you around or give you a piggyback ride anymore. Tell you a secret? *whispers* He's kinda jealous of me. But your mama has always been an ace, and is used to that. Anyways, a lot about me! 16th Jan, the best thing that ever happened. I love you baby. Happy Birthday❤️. Wish I could be there RIGHT NOW. But trust me when I say this, I'm JUST ONE CALL AWAY.  xx Mama"

I frowned at the last sentence.

One call away? So they are going to fly all the way from Korea to here in California? That's what she just offered? Well, that's a first. In three long years.

No way I could deny that I missed them. So, so much.


I had woken up early today because of the relentless pings on my phone and now I was standing right by the classroom door, staring at the empty room.

I sighed and made my way to my seat and was about to sit when I noticed a small cardboard box with the letters on top of its cover that said "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim".

I took the box and opened it cautiously as my eyes lit up at the sight of a big chocolate cupcake.

I had only had pancake and jam for breakfast and chocolate-flavoured cupcakes being my favourite, I felt my mouth water up.

I looked around to not see anyone at all. Maybe Hanbin had done this. I had seen some of the senior students arrive while I was entering school, but I hadn't seen Hanbin. If not him, who else?

I took the cupcake in my hand and was about to bite in it when my eyes spotted letters written under the cover of the box.

"All you needed to do was flash that gummy smile of yours and...."

I searched for the finishing in every corner of the box but failed, feeling a little disheartened by the suspense.

It was from Hanbin, anyways. I could ask him later.

I shrugged it off and took a bite the cupcake, feeling something grind and slide off my teeth as I opened my eyes, distracting myself from the taste of the cupcake to the paper sticking out from between the cupcake.

I pulled at it as it freed from the cupcake, a little marked by the dark delicacy but I was clearly able to read the words- "And it didn't take me a second to realize that I would be in love with you forever."

"What the fuck..." I breathed out to myself as I realized that this was the finishing to the words written under the box lid.

Hanbin loves me?

I thought we were only doing this to make headlines on the school blog.

I kind of threw the box on the table, staring at it, eyes wide.

My phone pinged as I was jolted awake from my trance and I looked at it to find Hanbin's bubble on the screen.

I hesitated for a bit but ended up clicking his icon that revealed a rather big message.

"Happy birthday babe! Sorry I didn't wish earlier. Was at a party with buddies. They would have noticed I was texting you and we couldn't have pulled off the break-up sham. Anyways, I'm sure you understand why I can't do anything for you. It would make others suspicious and doubt the break-up thingy. Take care!" The message read as I hummed in understanding but soon snapped my head to tilt it.

"Wait, what?" I asked myself.

I read the text again, reading the words "I'm sure you understand why I can't do anything for you."

But he just did, right?

The cupcake? With a letter of his confession of love for me?

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to think, when a figure appeared out of nowhere beside me and slammed the table with their hand.

I flinched and looked up to find Lisa looking at me, dead serious.

Rosè and Jisoo appeared from each of her sides and stood there with a face as serious as hers.

It was like their gaze was piercing my whole existence.

"We have to talk. Now." Lisa said in a serious voice as I sat there, blinking at them.

"Hey dude, you listening?" Jisoo said snapped her finger rather rudely at me.

"W-what is it?" I asked in a small voice, obviously intimidated by their tensed gazes.

"Follow us, please." Rosè said firmly as they began to walk and I sat there, stunned.

Lisa stopped and looked at me with a dead look in her eyes as she marched towards me and pulled me off my seat and tangled our hands, pulling me with her.

A part of me dreaded that maybe it was something about what has been going on between Lisa and I.

I walked through the halls, my eyes falling on Hanbin who looked at me and made a stern face and looked away with an eye roll. I felt confused for a moment since I was so caught up with Lisa's hand that squeezed mine like it was so normal, but realized that Hanbin was only keeping up with the break-up sham.

I looked away and saw Bambam at the corner of the hall, frowning between Hanbin and I, noticing the changed behaviour that we just displayed.

Great. Now this was going on the university blog, just like we had planned.


A/N: Hope you're enjoying the read! 💞

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