Insight **6** Free-Falling

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Insight **6**

"You ready to meet the elders?" Kaden asked with a sly smirk. I ignored him, I was still in awe over the whole layout of this place. Why the hell was I here anyway? Sure, I could read minds but I wasn't in any way special.

Speaking of special, why the hell did Kaden kiss me? I didn't know him at all, at least I don't think I did. Sometimes he reminds me of someone distant but that's it...Weird.

After taking in the general layout of the house- no, scratch that, mansion- I finally responded to Kaden.

"Who are the elders" His gray eyes were hooded with amusement as he leaned against the staircase. "They're the original Mind Čtenáři" I wasn't even going to embarass myself by attempting to say that.

"English please" I glared at him and he chuckled. "It means Mind Readers"  I grumbled, why couldn't they just say that instead of going all mystical Czech on me. I mean come on, do I look like I speak Czech?

"Could you stop rambling shit in your head, you're giving me a migraine" I snarled at him, hating how his shirt clung to his muscles oh-so delectably. "You deserve a migraine"

Instead of responding, he began to walk in a different direction, away from me and the staircase. "Hey! Where are you going punk?"

He lifted a hand in response, never pausing his steady stride. I was pretty sure the security here was set for life, and I sure as hell didn't want to walk around alone all by myself so somehow I found myself groaning and running after the prick.

I knew you would see reason, the smirk was evident in his voice even in my head. 


"So where exactly are we going?"

"So many questions..."

"Shut up-" I snapped, knowing what happened next. He chortled as we went down about the 100th hallway. I was getting tired!

We had been walking for, let's see- about a year.

I never knew having a mansion would be so annoying. I mean picture this, you wake up in your master bedroom and think I'm going to work out today. Naturally, you have a gym in your mansion- so you start on the walk there.

The problem is, the walk there is a f*cking workout itself. 

"Not much longer babe" Kaden hissed. 

What the hell was he calling me that for? I wasn't his girlfriend... "You'll see" He murmured, answering my unsaid question.

I crossed my arms as we passed by a painting of Mona Lisa. Probably on loan... "Stay out of my head, I never go into yours"

Kaden rolled his eyes at me. "You'll find that my mind is closed off, If I wanted you to hear my thoughts I would let you. Since you're an amateur, you don't know how to close off your mind yet, therefore everyone who has our 'gift' can hear each and every one of your thoughts. Down to your thoughts about my backside"

That was enough to shut me up. My cheeks flamed as I pictured his smirk look upon reading my thoughts, no wonder he kissed me- In his eyes, I made the first move.

"Actually, I just felt like kissing someone"

I didn't respond to that. 


We There Yet? I asked in my head.

Since Kaden automatically could hear my thoughts, there really was no use for me talking. 

"Ask me that one more time and I'll shove your ass on the actual movie" I stomped behind him childishly, It had been about an hour now. I'm sure I lost about 10 pounds.

"That's an exagerration" Kaden scoffed and I gasped, was he calling me fat?

"Calm your thong...I wasn't calling you fat, at least not directly"

Before I could think properly, the thought slipped out.

I'm not wearing a thong! I'm wearing my favorite boyshorts, He's such an insolent prick. Thongs always get stuck up your ass and then you feel like you have to faurt all day

Kaden burst out laughing suddenly and I was on the verge of dying as he turned to smirk at me, "They do get stuck in your crack, that's the point- to display those lovely cheeks"

In slow-mo his hand came down hard onto my bottom and I squealed. He ducked out of the way as my hand tried to attack him, "Stop touching me you pervert!"

He held his hands up in mock surrender, his gray eyes were wide with innocence. I loathed guys who could be sexy and adorable when they needed to, it was a deadly combination.

"You think I'm sexy and adorable?" Kaden asked with a grin. Ignoring the satisifed look on his face I shoved him out of the way and strolled past him- until I realized I had no clue where I was going.

I turned to grudgingly follow Kaden, but he was gone. He had completely vanished into thin air, like dust. "Kaden?"

I whispered. Great, I was screwed. I knew I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me, I sunk down onto the mansion floor.

It had been 10 minutes and I was getting a little frantic- Kaden still wasn't back, he wouldn't leave me-

"BOO!" Someone suddenly shouted


I screamed and fell back against the wall, effectively knocking myself out for the 2nd time today. The last thing I heard was a shit identical to the one I had just uttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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