Insight **3** Random Kisses

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Haven't updated in a while (: But here it is.


Insight **3**

That horrible feeling in my gut only seemed to increase as the man- without hesitation- threw me over his shoulder and hauled a*s down the stairs. 

I caught a glimpse of my Grandma on the kitchen floor, her body was motionless and that was all it took for me to let out a blood-curdling scream. I began to whack at the guys behind violently thrashing in his grip but it did me to no avail. "Calm down girly!" He growled but I didn't. I wouldn't. I couldn't. "She's not dead" he mumbled and I paused my minature tantrum to ask him to elaborate. "What do you mean she's not dead?!" I barely paid attention to my surroundings, not noticing the gravel in my driveway crunching beneath his feet.

"Only passed out." He responded curtly. "Where are you taking me?" Isn't that the question the person being taken captive always asks? Yes, but they almost NEVER get an answer. "You'll see girly" He answered and before I could blink he put me into a compartment that I immediately registered was a freaking trunk.


"Seriously" He answered and my eyes widened noticeably. "I didn't say that out loud." He smirked to himself, and with a stroke of his chin replied. "No, but I heard you"

I didn't have any time to respond because the trunk was abruptly closed and the darkness surrounded me.

The screaming continued.


It was hot. So very hot. I could feel my clothes plastered to my slick body in this sweltering heat. I moaned and made an effort to move but I found that I couldn't.

The first thought that came to mind was of course: Where the hell am I?

In slow motion, my memory returned. My party, Camilla and Stephen, Telepathy, The man....

I was in the trunk. I was pretty sure the car had stopped moving but then why was I still in the trunk?

Who knows? But I definitely wasn't planning on staying here for the rest of my life. I desparetly felt around the trunk floor for anything that could offer assistance to me, anything at all. My fingers only grazed flat carpet and it only grew hotter from then on.

I moaned, desperately feeling around the ground for some sort of weapon and this time, my fingers grasped metal. I flipped my hair out of my face and tried to make out the metal object that was currently in my hands, it was cold and I used that to my advantage by pressing it to my forehead, my neck and the rest of my overheated body.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a crowbar. My grin was unmistakable as I instantly began to feel for the slit where the trunk was closed it. A few more minutes of mindless fumbling and I found it; with shaky hands I adjusted the crowbar so that it was hooked into the trunks slit and began to tug upward.

No response whatsoever.

Sh*t why did it have to be so HOT!

I fanned myself with my free hand and proceeded to tug upwards. Oh lord, please get me out of here. I silently begged before tugging upwards again.

There was a very faint pop sound but it was there, My determination level went up and I began to tug with even more force. More force intended at least because the crowbar suddenly flew and clonked me into the head. My vision became hazy for a minute and then I passed out again.

Typical, try saving yourself and end up only making it worse.


It was a while later when I woke up, my mouth was sandpaper dry and if I thought I was hot before then this was like hell's bosom.

Groaning I felt around for the crowbar once again and once my hand grasped it, I began to tug at the trunk with force but not enough to know myself out again.


Wipe sweat.


Wipe sweat.



The noise was like music to my ears and I immediately dropped the crowbar and pushed the trunk upwards. Cool air, sweet cool air breezed forward and I moaned in pure relief.

I was free, finally free...

"Well, It's about time" My happiness was put on pause as I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light before I met the gaze of a man. No, I apologize. A god.

His windswept blonde hair was slightly spiked but not in a punk-rockish sort of way. Plump lips curved up into a smirk but what really caught my attention- Besides his muscular physique- were his eyes. Now I was always a sucker for gray eyes, and as his Damon-like eyes met mines I almost melted on the spot.

[Damon is from The Vampire Diaries ----> Picture of his eyes on the side there:P]

He made a move to step forward but I quickly picked the crowbar up from the trunk and held it up warningly. He obviously knew I was WAY too chicken to actually hit him with it because he proceeded to gently tug me forward by the crowbar.

"Wh-who are you?"

I asked and he simply made a tsking sound in the back of his throat.

"So many questions"

His fingers somehow laced themselves into my hair and I lost myself in his smoldering eyes. "So little answers" He replied and I gasped as I realized his intentions right before his lips covered mines.

 It was SO unlike Stephen's kisses.

It wasn't exactly passionate, nor was it dull. And no- It didn't feel like he was sucking my lips off my face.

Of course any normal, rational girl doesn't just respond to kisses from random- extremely attractive men. But for him I would have to make an immense exception.

The crowbar clanged to the ground loudly but to me it sounded like rain droplets, I allowed this mysterious man to cup my face in his hands.

 His fingers sensually caressed my cheeks as he ravaged my mouth. Lips everywhere, tongue not too sloppy and not too little. He was obviously very experienced in the field of kissing and for some reason that bothered me.

"Kaden, quit playing with the girl and come on! Your father would like to speak to you-" And just like that- the fairytale ended and I was brought back to the harsh reality of this situation.

I was kissing a complete stranger who undoubtedly kidnapped me. Don't I pick 'em well?

I shoved away from him, my breathing was uneven as I focused extremely hard on not meeting this man's eyes.

"Nice kissing with you sweetheart" He chortled and then he had the nerve to pat me on the bum. I turned to give him a piece of my mind but he was already gone- vanished into thin air. Jerk.

I could make a run for it now at least, I looked around to make sure the coast was clear and then I broke into a sprint I was so close to the looming gates but right before I reached them, I was thrown over a shoulder.

I had to admit, this ass was way better than my original kidnappers. Nice and narrow with lovely hipbones- "Did you really think I was stupid enough to leave you alone like that?" The person whom my lips had been attached to only minutes earlier spoke and it was then that I realized his voice was indeed familiar.

But where had I heard it from?

"You don't need to know that..." What the hell!? Could everyone here read people's thoughts? Or was this some sick twisted dream.

"It's not a dream, You're in město vhledu" He stated and I raised both of my eyebrows even though he couldn't see me. The hypnotic swaying of his bum continued as I proceeded to ask him about this "Mestoe varedo? what the hell is that?" His laughter bounced off the walls of wherever the hell we were at. "It's město vhledu sweetheart, and it simply means The City of Insight in the language called Czech"

And so that my friends, is where I am now.

The City of Insight.

Insight **Watty Awards 2013**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz