Insight **4** The Horror of The Breath

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Insight **4**

As Kaden (apparently that was his name) so kindly put it. I was in the city of Insight, to rid myself of further embarassment I stuck with the English version.

I never really got a chance to look at the building we entered because I was hanging upside down my head facing Kaden's back. Yeah, the view of his delicious buns was lovely- not that I would ever tell him that but all my blood was beginning to rush to my head and I was starting to feel light-headed.

"Could you please put me down" I groaned out as the world began to swim. The man chuckled and lightly rapped my bum to my complete annoyance. "Stop touching me!" I squealed, wiggling furiously. I only received another chuckle and then I was rudely dropped to the ground, the black marbled ground.

Slowly I stood up off the hard ground, the world before my eyes wavered for a moment before my light-headiness slowly dissolved. Now I could kick him in the balls and make a run for it....

Unfortunately, my puny brain couldn't quite comprehend the fact that everyone here was telepathic. So when I raised my knee to permanently damage Kaden's baby-maker he caught my knee firmly holding it with one hand. "I'm always one step of head of you, and this game is getting tiring"

With a glare that should have caused him immense pain I battered his hands off of my knee and began walking away. Who cares if he stops me? I'm gonna give him one hell of a hard time.

"I hate to tell you this, but you can't get out without your valification card and oh-so unfortunately you don't have yours yet. As a matter of fact you may never have yours if you don't stop being such an annoying bratty b*tch and cooperate" He called after me.

The first thing that ran through my mind was he did NOT just call me a b*tch? To be more specific, an annoying, bratty, b*tch! 

My thoughts went haywire and I turned in slow motion, I'm pretty sure my eyes were narrowed menacingly but Kaden didn't seem fazed by my 'evil' look. He actually looked amused which only added feul to my rage.

I stepped forwards until we were nose-to-nose.

The fact that my breath wasn't exactly pleasant at the time never crossed my mind.

Hell, I hope he passes out from it.

"How dare you call me a b*tch"

My voice was low, without a hint of fear and I was even proud to say it had a sharp edge to it. I mentally patted myself on the back but my kudos were cut short as usual.

"How dare you call me a b*tch" He mimicked me with a high-pitched girly voice and then he pretended to flip his imaginary hair.


"You son of a bitch, grow up!" I screamed directly in his face.

Humming breath and all.

For a second he almost looked like he felt like passing out but then he scrunched up his face.

"Have you ever heard of Tic-Tacs?" 

I rolled my eyes at him and then I may or may not have slapped him squarely in the jaw.

This is coming from someone who has experience, I think that people in the city of Insight take violence a little too seriously because- The next thing I knew I was laying face-up on the ground. Kaden's elbow was pressed sharply to my gut. 

It was only as his gray eyes began to flash from light to dark that the thought that I could be in danger crossed my mind.

F*ck .  My  .  Life

"You see buddy, I think you should really get off of me right now-" I tried to reason with him but a growl came from the back of his throat.

Silly ol' me, NEVER knowing when to shut up I rambled on. "-Because I have the most powerful weapon here" A hint of curiosity began to show in his eyes and it seemed that he was urging me to go on.

When I didn't say anything he gritted out through his teeth a simple "Go on"

"My hot breath right now, I'm pretty sure that if I breathe hard enough your face will melt off" He bit his lip with a weird expression on his face as if he was constipated (weirdly enough he even managed to make that face incredibly sexy)

And then he busted into loud, raucous, laughter. Okay so it wasn't exactly meant to be a joke, I seriously needed some Colgate therapy and he thought it was freaking Ha-larious.

When he finally stopped laughing and after his huge elbow was painfully removed from my bruised gut I stood up from the marble floor again. 

My first look around and I was simply speechless, that's saying A LOT.

I had already been introduced repeatedly to the lovely black marbled floors, but the rest of the house was even more amazing.

Painting and Mosaics littered the wall space around us wherever we were and there was a huge spiraling staircase about 100 ft. away.  

Two statues, one that looked like something Michelangelo had created and the other of a baby cupid stood stood guard on either side of 2 huge mahogany doors. Kneeling near the door we had entered earlier a huge (ugly) pitbull sat, drowsily glaring at nothing in particular. 

"Welcome Roxanne" Kaden mumbled and I shuddered involuntarily as his sweet- unlike mines at the moment- breath caressed my bare neck causing the hairs on it to rise.

Welcome indeed...

Insight **Watty Awards 2013**Where stories live. Discover now