Should've listen to my friends I guess

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My birthday was approaching and I was the most excited ever. I felt like I had my whole year planned out besides for the new kid anyways. But it was only one more day until my birthday which got me excited and happy for the last day before my birthday. The day was progressing rather slowly but I didn't even notice. We were at second period which was Afrikaans. It was Tuesday and as expected I wasn't really in the mood for the day.

Usually if my mood doesn't change the Monday I would just come angry to school the Tuesday. I couldn't have the same mood tomorrow because it was going to be my birthday. Me and Cameron still had our brief interactions but I always wanted to make it last longer. Which was starting to irritate my friends because all I wanted was his attention. Which he gave to me in phases whenever he felt like it. Which is honestly heartbreaking but what can I say.

I still didn't want to be too close to him the year was abruptly coming to get me in a bad way. We sat down in the class and I immediately started writing my work so I could speak to my friends afterwards. We all wrote quickly so we could gossip about my relationship with Cameron. They always liked listening to me bicker on and on about him which was honestly vexing. It was interesting to say that I actually liked someone because I didn't.

My birthday came and my class sang for me and my family. My Miss gave me my present and I was super happy. Cameron gave me a very nice hug which he doesn't give me usually he even did it in front  of my class. I was blushing for no apparent reason. The day went by rather slow every class teachers telling me happy birthday and telling me how much they loved me and how much of an amazing human being I was.

It was finally last period and I was super excited. It was Afrikaans period I got my last birthday wish and Cameron came to sit by me again. I always thought he was super cute for wanting to sit by me especially in Afrikaans. We got to sit alone and talk which I felt was super adorable. He asked me how my day at school was so far, I told him it just keeps getting better and better by the minute. Which he ended up laughing to and stared at the Miss who was watching us talk.

We sat right by the door which was exactly opposite from the teacher's desk. My birthday was actually a great day and it just got me super hyped for the weekend. The Wednesday it was back to normal and me being moody. I saw Cameron and he was looking super excited for the week to go quick. When I entered the class I greeted my Miss a good morning and didn't bother looking at anyone else. I went to my desk where I was greeted by my friends and even they looked excited either for the day or for the week that was going so fast.

Seeing as it was August i thought my feelings for Cameron would just eradicate themselves but they didn't. We still spoke it even became an everyday thing and that just got me more attached to him. We would speak about small things like music and he would go on Facebook on my phone and for some reason I would smile because he would sit next to me. It was starting to become a very intimate thing especially seeing as we were always sitting so close to each other. I started thinking that maybe there would be a me and him moment along the line.

I was starting to worry because I've had a bad experience with guys since grade 9 either they didn't like me back or they just played with my feelings. Like I get that I'm bisexual but they don't have to use it against me and treat me as if I'm not human because I am and I also have feelings. Me and Cameron didn't even chat besides Facebook I don't think I wanted his number and that was something most people would find troublesome but I didn't. I knew that there wasn't going to be an us with him that's why I kept my communication with him to a minimum. He would still act inappropriate and touch my a$$ and go on with me and I feel like I liked him more when he did that.

Even my friends started to worry about me and him going on with each other and they warned me that shit would happen and I might get my heart broken but I didn't want to listen. Which is something I actually regretted to this day. If someone told me that in grade 9 that I would fall for a soccer boy in grade 10 I would honestly call them crazy. My best friend's birthday was approaching his birthday was the 23rd of August exactly 10 days after mine. I was super excited because it meant that me and him have been friends for 10 years and it meant that we were both still committed to making our friendship work.

It was finally Friday and I told my best friend that I needed to talk to him. He knew exactly what I wanted to talk about because not only has Cameron been going on with me but my best friend's friend also his name is Bruno. We got English this one morning and me and Bruno were talking because I didn't want to talk to Cameron. We got English by one of my grade 9 teacher's she was my absolute favorite person. She was built beautifully and she had brown hair. Her sense of fashion was amazing really and this day she had on a jean and a black sweater with a grey cardigan.

When we entered the class I took the closest seat to the door with my three friends joining me. We had small conversation amongst ourselves we were talking about Bruno. So Daniel what's up with you and Bruno asks Amber? Well I don't know myself his been acting so funny lately and it was weird his never so. His always rude to you and now his acting nice right? Yes Amber and that is worrisome and I don't want anyone else cross-questioning me about why his so nice.

So I finally decided that I'm going to finish the book because it needs to be finished and not just ended halfway. If you liked this chapter do give me a vote and comment
It motivates me to continue writing and give me your opinion on what you like and what you don't like?.

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