Guess infatuation is just that "infatuation"

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It was official August which meant it was my birthday around the corner and frankly I was excited. I would turn sixteen this year. Which ofcouse meant that me and three of my friends would be at my house drinking because that's how antisocial we were. I would never invite a bunch of morons to come to my house and drink with me. I liked my friend circle it was full of honest people. They wouldn't lie to me or keep secrets and if they didn't like the way I might have addressed a certain human being they would tell me and not lie.

It meant no drama at school at all for me and I was actually excited. I rarely got the pleasure of not having to deal with drama and that was a thing I liked my birthday was one of those days. People would wish me but they wouldn't look for unnecessary issues with me because tbh on my birthday I would always go all out because it was always during the week which meant I had school,but that was the best part I would get wished by Cameron and it might light up my whole mood for the whole day. My friends would be the best and my class would sing which I didn't really like. But I agreed to it because it was a tradition in every class which is why I kept my birthday quiet but my friends wanted people to sing for me.

With them singing for me in twelve days I try to think of what I'm going to do when it reaches the weekend. It's Monday which is not my favourite day and I head over to administration. Where I get to talk to my friends and try to avoid Cameron which I know isn't going to work because we're in the same class. So all I can hope for is no awkward interaction with the poor child seeing as all I do is cause drama. Let's just say for a bisexual I have horrible taste in guys and when I lead them on I'm like a ghost but this boy was apparently different because I didn't ghost him yet.

Let's just say that the whole infatuation thing isn't exactly new to me but he is. My friends told me not to get either my hopes up or not get too close to him. Seems I wanted to be the narcissistic and not listen to them. I always use administration class to contemplate my life choices with this boy. It flew by quicker than expected and when I stopped overthinking and fading away I realised it was first period.

Which was English omgg so I needed to avoid him. We entered the Miss's class and we greeted I headed to the back of the class where I usually sit in the middle row and it was rather productive. Until I decided to finish up first and just sit there and speak to the Miss about my favourite new obsession with an artist with the best music. Cameron then thought it would be advised if he came to sit by me. It was honestly so awkward because all I ever do is find fault in everything he does.

So I was surprised to see that he spoke first to me and I didn't find the time to even argue with him.

Cameron;Hello Daniel how was your weekend.
Daniel; My weekend was relaxing and nice and yours?
Cameron; The usual I decided to party the whole weekend and just relax yesterday.
Daniel; Well that does sound nice so...
Cameron; I figured I should come sit by you seeing as I missed you.
Daniel; why would you even miss me if I only cause chaos honestly.?
Cameron; Let's just say I didn't have drama in my life this weekend besides getting laid which is amazing you should try it sometime.
Daniel; Oh really you whore sometimes I wonder why I even try with you.

That conversation got cut short because I needed to finish up my work.

Guess the fact that he would feel comfortable talking about sex with me shouldn't come as a shock. It did because it was weird I understand that he would but be discreet about it. Like I understand that I'm bisexual and he is trying to reassure me of his sexuality plus his dominance with the female species. It just felt weird because I don't think I'd do that with him. The bell rang ending the first period which meant it was maths now uhg.

Me and my two friends quickly made our way to maths class and sat down swiftly. Our maths teacher wasn't the best at talking English which made it hard for me to understand but everyone else did. Cameron was always so focused in math class. I would end up staring at him the minute I'm done with my work. He even caught me once or twice staring and honestly it was extremely weird. When he would look at me I would look away as a method of not getting shy at him for catching me.

So I decided to end the story a little bit sooner than expected because of certain aspects of the story. Figured that I would only write ten chapters and in the last chapter just sum up everything that happened after my birthday and the rest of the year and if you feel that you actually liked the story and want me to write the continuation of this year then comment and vote and let me know. Who you liked and why and what chapters you liked and what not because originally I was planning on prolonging the story to about twenty chapters if I could get it there but let me know whether I should or shouldn't end it early.

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