Where's the armor?

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"That's it?" Michael asked.


"I thought it would do more." Once everyone took a seat a bright two showed up in the middle of the colosseum. "Finally it's starting!" Michael excitedly said. A boy and a girl jumped down into the arena. They walked to the middle and stopped when they were a few yards apart. They both got into a fighting stance and readied their weapons. A loud buzzer can be heard throughout the colosseum as the two people ran at each other. 

The boy quickly swung their sword at the other person's side. The girl swiftly takes a step back and jammed their sword into the other person's stomach. The person hunches over as the girl quickly clocked him in the cheek. His feet was sweeped of the ground as he flew to the side, his weapon was left on the ground. He rolled violently on the ground. The girl didn't waste a second chasing after him. The guy got on his knees and did some hand signs as the girl got closer. A pillar of fire suddenly rose up in front of him. The girl was barely able to stop herself from running into the fire. 

The girl stabbed the ground and quickly did some hand signs. The girl's hands quickly went up into the air as the boy propelled himself out of the ground right between her hands.  He kicked her in the jaw  and followed it up with a uppercut. The girl's body was suddenly covered in a blue hue. He jumped back into the flames as the other person's hue quickly disappeared. The person leaped back while doing hand signs. This time the person wasn't interrupted. I felt a wave of air hit me in the face as the person stared intensely at the ground. She was standing there patiently, just waiting for something to happen.

The ground of front of her suddenly blew up as the guy ran out of the fire. The girl quickly did some hand signs as she ran towards him. The muscles in her arms suddenly grew five times its size in a second. The boy tried to stop himself but the girl grabbed him by the shirt and threw him to the ground. He grabbed her legs and desperately sunk his nails into her skin. She ignored the nails penetrating her skin and stabbed  the ground nears the guys head before following up with her bending down and punching him in the face. The guy's arms fell to the ground as the girl stepped off him. The guy laid motionless.

I release a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in. The girl picked up[ the guy's body and walked off into the entrance of the colosseum. A bright three quickly burned in the middle of the arena. I shift in my seat just waiting for next fight to start. 

8:15 am

The next few fights were not that bad, they were exciting, but they didn't really catch my attention. They just end way to quickly. The magic the other demigods used were flashy. One demigod made a dragon made of what I think was electricity while another one covered himself in fire. I didn't see many people use wind magic though. I kind of wanted to see what people could do with wind. The people down in the colosseum leave, one of them had their torn to shreds. A bright five showed in the arena. Michael stood up with a nervous smile on his face. 

"Good luck." Alice said, her voice drowned out by sea of voices.

"Thanks," Michael said as he walked off into the arena with his weapon in hand. He's gonna lose.

8:16 am

(Michael's POV)

I excitedly walk up to the middle of a arena. Excitement built up in my chest when I saw a boy with brown hair walk up to the middle of the arena. I spread my legs out a little, preparing to rush him at the start. I raise my weapon like I was going to swing a bat. 

My enemy didn't react though. He just got into a fighting position with a spear that had a curved blade pointed at me. A loud voice in my head suddenly shouted, "Start" in my head. The boy quickly rushed at me. I flinched and took a step back. I saw him suddenly step to the side and disappear. On instinct I swing my weapon. Somehow the boy was back where he was before he stepped to the side. He quickly stepped to the side, my weapon struck him in the side. 

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