Yeah, this was going to be a fine upstanding establishment.

Oh God, I sounded like Jordan. I tried to relax as we made our way through the crowd. I looked up at the stage. Three boys and a girl were playing a song I didn't know but the crowd was eating it up. 

The girl was a cute redhead wearing a neon bra showing through a cut up black t-shirt that said RWS and a skirt so short, the front row had to be getting a whole different kind of show. I had to admit though, she could sing.

That was not the same Brenna Evans I remembered. I wondered where her little sister was. Did she share her sister's sense of fashion? Lord, I hoped not.

Stop judging.

I tried to tell myself to lighten up. It wasn't like I was some sheltered teen from the Bible Belt. I was just anxious as fuck and apparently judging was my coping mechanism of choice tonight.

The pair of sisters only stuck out from the rest in my memories because they were new to the families when I came to town at age ten. They were the one of the only other kids whose parents had been divorced too so we got along. It's weird what can bond young children. Man, she looked so different I just tried to see the pale freckled girl I used to play tag with but this girl looked about twelve years older than me now with all the makeup.

To Brenna's right was a curly haired boy playing base while riling up the crowd. He wasn't from one of the families, I knew that much. Okay that just sounds like a cult when I think about it like that.

Being a part of one of the families branches or not. It was some exclusive club that apparently, I already had an open acceptance to because of my birth line. It reminded me of the medieval times with noble families excluding the peasants from their parties. I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of this. But what choice did I have? Who else would I even see in this town until school started?

I felt my heartbeat drum in time with the blonde playing at the back of the stage. He was constantly having to whip his head to keep his long bangs out of his eyes.

The lead guitarist was obviously the ladies' man of the show.


His messy dirty blonde hair kept getting his eyes too but he didn't miss a note. Even from my view I could see his veins bulge under his sleek arm muscles. All the girls in the crowd were screaming at him and throwing their hands towards the stage like he was some actual Rock legend.

The chorus came and I couldn't help but notice how his mouth curved up like Johnny Cash as he sang.

His words, "I want only you", were in perfect time to her lyrics, "Anyone but you".

His deep melodic voice gave me goosebumps. I was probably imagining it, but I felt our eyes lock.

"I want only you.
I need only you.
Can't imagine anyone but you."


James' hand waved in front of my face snapping me out of it. I blinked realizing I had been ogling for too long and blushed. Tyler seemed to smirk, noticing that James had busted me staring, and move his attention elsewhere.

I looked back shyly at James, "Sorry. I like them."

His eyes seemed to want to question me further but he let it go. "I am glad you do."

He took my hand and led me to the side of the stage. A mountain of a man with veined filled muscles stood in-between us and back stage. James smiled at the bouncer who returned the gesture with a nod let us pass. The second bouncer who just let us by.

My Life In Pieces (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now