Day •16• (second POV)

Start from the beginning

I scoffed. "I thought that was your favorite hobby."

He rolled his eyes. "I can find a new one."

"Are you going to be the designated driver now?" I joked, starting towards the stairs.

It was his turn to scoff, turning and following me downstairs. "Not yet. Maybe I'll work up to it, but for now? Beer is practically my blood, I'd die without it."

"Well when you get there I'm sure your boyfriend will appreciate the lack of beer breath."

Prussia laughed as he followed me into the kitchen. "God, can you believe so many of us are gay?"

I threw him a quizzical look.

He shrugged. "So like, for awhile now I silently considered myself the keeper of the gays. Since I knew France and Spain were pan, and you were demi, and through you I knew Italy was bi. So I figured that was probably all the gays in the world, knowing the odds. But then in 2006 Canada comes out publicly, and Roma isn't straight somehow, and another one of us who I'm not outing is bi; and now I'm terribly suspicious that this whole cabin is gay as hell.

We had wandered into the kitchen and were eating dry cereal at this point (we were out of milk.)

I repeated his shrug. "I wouldn't be surprised at this point. Aren't Russia and China supposedly a thing now?"

He tossed a froot loop at his mouth and missed due to my sentence. "What?! Since when?"


"How did you find out?" He leaned across the island towards me.

"France said."

"That bastard told you before me? And I thought we were friends..."

I threw a loop at his over dramatic ass and sadly, he caught it in his mouth. He threw his arms up in victory.

We bantered back and forth for a bit like this before France came down and joined us.

"Can you two be quieter? My room is right above you."

"What, no it's not- wait, yes it is. whoops." France glared as Prussia remembered. "Kicked you out. Sorry not sorry."

I glanced between the two. "You kicked him out?"

"Yes! He did! Took me out of my own home-"


"and forced me onto the streets."

"Oh my god you're fine."

"I'm rooming with Russia."

I held up hand. "Wait does that mean Russia and China aren't a thing?"

"Well I didn't want to gossip, but..." France sat on a stool at the table, resting his elbows on it and setting his chin in his hands.

Prussia motioned for him to go on eagerly.

"There was a misunderstanding where China thought it was a joke..."

Prussia and I winced.

"...and was going to clarify and end it, but hasn't."

"How do you know all this?" Prussia asked.

France tossed his hair back. "What can I say? I have a trustworthy face."

"Only a fool would trust you with a real secret." I muttered.

France gave a dramatic gasp as Prussia laughed, before tossing the other's hair. France franticly tried to fix it.

I left them to their shenanigans and went to work finding the cars. About two hours in I heard the snow crunching behind me.

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