Chapter 2.

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"Swallowing diamonds, a cutting throat. Your teeth when you grin reflecting beams on tombstones."
'Dazzle', Siouxsie and the Banshees

The morning Frank would be arriving for his first day at Astoria High School, apprehension was high. The relentless downpour outside didn't help the uneasy feeling stirring within his gut. He trusted his intuition that always proved to be correct, and the negativity rising towards his throat wasn't the sign of good luck he'd hoped for while he prepared for the entirety of Sunday. His materials were in check, he wore a proper jacket for the weather, and he laced himself up in combat boots he knew would prove to be resistant for rain, but something felt out of place in the morning that was still darkened by the endless quilt of gray resting over the sky. Frank restlessly slept that night and rose in the early hours of the morning without so much as a glimpse of dreams to remember, yet he felt oddly energized, balanced on the edge of a frayed wire warning to electrocute his insides at any second. If at any moment he reconsidered his decisions, he never felt it as strongly as he did then crossing the threshold of his house where he heard his mother calling out to him to greet her on the porch.

"What's all the hollering about?" Frank asked as he cautiously poked his head out, eyeing the protective rooftop of the porch shielding the rain and questioning whether it was strong enough to uphold itself under violent weather conditions.

"I had a friend of mine drop something off for you. Consider it a welcoming gift." Linda beamed with her hands at her hips, gesturing towards the driveway.

Frank curiously maneuvered further onto the porch once he was certain no rain would break through the roof and peered around the corner towards the driveway drenched in rainwater. Beside his mother's faded blue Honda was an unfamiliar vehicle immediately drawing his attention in. It was an aged Toyata truck colored a rusty red, suffering some scratches from use at the sides that didn't take away from the sturdiness of the build situated on brand new tires secured with snow chains to ensure a cautious journey when the rainfall chilled into slippery mush dusting across the roads. Despite appearing faded from the sunlight and more than a handful years to its name, the resilience of the truck sparked excitement in Frank the second he drank in the details from his spot, and the grin resting on Linda's face was a telltale detail temporarily easing some of the personal storm brewing in Frank's stomach.

"Is that for me?" Frank asked breathlessly, containing his smile until Linda nodded. The second he was given confirmation, a laugh escaped him, and his smile spread wide across his face.

"It's all yours. Your dad told me you have your license, so I figured I'd get you your own bat mobile." Linda was pleased by Frank's excitement. "I know it's not much, but it'll get you by."

"I love it. I just — really? It's all mine?" Frank was in a state of disbelief now that it dawned on him. Back at home, he was allowed to drive his father's Audi to his destinations, but he was limited to borrowing a vehicle instead of owning his own.

"It's unlocked and the keys are on the driver's seat. You can break her in on your first day."

"Holy shit!" Frank realized his mistake and quickly flushed as Linda shot him a disapproving look. "Sorry for my language, I'm just — wow. You didn't have to get me anything."

"You deserve it for doing so great in school all these years."

Frank's heart softened. "Thanks, mom. I've never had my own car."

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