Chapter 13

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Somebody call the horny police on Frank this chapter, god bless. Thank you for all your feedback in the last chapter, you have no idea how happy you guys made me, I'm so grateful for you!

"I could not ask you where you came from, I could not ask you, neither could you. Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we could just kiss like real people do." 

'Like Real People Do',  Hozier. 

"I meant to ask you. Was yesterday the first time you dropped in on my friends' thoughts?" Frank asked quietly the next day as he sluggishly trailed through the halls with Gerard on the way to the class they had together. Lunch passed in a blur, the trilling bell ordering students to disperse and head to their designated classes was a burden ticking irritation into Frank's mood until he remembered his seat was right beside Gerard's in English class.

"No. Before, I'd listen to them to try to learn a little more about you." Gerard answered just as quietly to avoid anyone listening in. "I hope that doesn't come off as strange."

Frank snorted. "I have no room to speak because I know I'd definitely to do the same thing. Cryptic."

Gerard grinned at the nickname bestowed on him. "Not so much anymore."

"That's debatable— but I'm doing my best to stay patient." Frank shrugged. "What am I like through their eyes? I've always wanted to know what I seem like to people."

"Kind, very enthusiastic about your interests, humorous. You're a bit kept to yourself, but not so shy. I was very entertained watching your clumsiness and your affinity for swear words when things go wrong."

"Everyone swears! Why do people act like I say an excess?"

"Once, when you hit your shin particularly hard, you said the word 'fuck' a total of fifteen times in one minute. I kept count." Gerard arched an eyebrow, a smirk breaking out.

"I'm not responsible for what comes out of my mouth when I'm writhing in pain." Frank said once they entered the classroom and made their way to their conjoined desks. Lowering his voice, he added,  "I'm not sure if you remember what it feels like, but hitting your shin is a soul-shattering experience."

"From what I gained out of watching you through Adam's eyes, I guessed as much." Gerard amusedly chuckled.

Frank took out his things and set them on his desk, skimming over possible events and things Gerard must've witnessed through the film of his friends's memories. Suddenly, it dawned on him that one particular thing must've been on display if he snooped in on someone's mind.

"Frances." Frank said a single word, unable to work up the rest of what he had in mind— he was certain Gerard would immediately catch onto the implications behind her name alone and save Frank the embarrassment of uttering the situation out loud.

Gerard hummed curtly. His lips pressed together in a thin line as he stared straight ahead in thought. "Yes, Frances. I've always enjoyed listening to her, even before you came around. She has a very compassionate heart and interesting opinions on things. I couldn't help tuning in even more once I noticed she was forming a . . . specific interest in you."

Frank's cheeks tinted red. "What was it like?"

Gerard's eyes narrowed slightly despite trying to keep a cool expression, making Frank's blush burn deeper with silent pleasure over the way he reacted to the prospect of someone else seeking out his attention.

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