Kevin helps me back to the bus letting me sit on a seat. "Stay here with how you are right now you will cause more pain to yourself if you help. We are almost done anyway so please stay here as rest." Kevin says sternly I give him a thumbs-up as I rest my head back on the seat closing my eyes.

I attempt to block out the noise with little success. Soon the busses start to load up. Feeling someone sit next to me I open one eye, Diana has taken the seat beside me giving me a questioning look. I wave her off not having it in m to move my head. I soon fall asleep as we begin to move.

Waking up as we pass the gates my head pounds harder than before. As the bus stops Kevin moves to my seat. "Go to the nurses to get checked up you may not be injured but you did kill a zombie so we have to be safe." Kevin turns to Diana giving her a silent message.

Diana nods taking my arm and helping me up. Slowly we go to the nurses. Entering the medical wing Nichole spots Diana and I's a slow approach. "What happened?"

Diana answers for me "Kaindra here killed a quick and needs a check-up." Nichole looks at me as she helps Diana get me to a room.

Nichole turns to Diana "thank you, Diana, you can go now" Diana nods giving me a small smile before leaving. Nichole turns to me once the curtain closes behind Diana. "Now for you, you don't look injured but you seem to be in pain. What hurts?"

I point to my head "killer headache happened when I sat down after I killed the zombie." she listens intently to my small explanation.

Nodding she grabs her clipboard writing what I said down. "You know the drill time to check for injury." Sighing I slowly stand taking off my leathers. After a very long and painful process, I compel Nichole again so she doesn't see my bite. After poking and checking me for any injury she gives me the all-clear to get dressed.

"No injury probably a stress headache I will give you some painkillers but sleep it off and rest. I am going to clear your schedule tomorrow just in case." I nod regretting it instantly as pain shoots down my neck. I never knew how much your head moves and what moves with it until now.

Nichole gives me two painkillers before shooing me away to rest. Deciding to take her advice I slowly go to my room.

Sleep helped very little once I woke up. Checking the time I slide out of bed, putting my hair back in a loose ponytail I slowly leave the darkroom. Supper should be starting any minute now, I may not want to go to a room so loud but I need food.

Entering the mess hall I spot my friends. As quickly as I can I grab a small amount of salad and soup before going to their table. "Kaindra how are you doing this lovely day" Jen cheers I glare at her as I take a seat.

"Do not start that Jen, please can you be quiet" I grumble into my hands massaging my temples.

Kaitlyn rubs my back softly "ruff day?" she says softly.

"Good day bad end, a killer headache started after I pushed past my limits with my sight now my head won't stop pounding." Grumbling I slowly begin to eat.

They all give me sympathetic looks "dam that bad huh why don't you go lie down for a little bit." Sam suggests quietly.

I shake my head very slowly "already did, barely made a dent." They stay quiet after that, eating their food and talking quietly when they do talk.

I excuse myself once I finish leaving my plate after Kaitlyn said she will put it away for me. I leave the very loud mess hall with a sigh of relief once I enter the silent hallway. Loud voices come into my hearing causing my piece to be broken. Coming around a corner I spot four guys around my age smoking in the hallway. "You do know you're not allowed to smoke in the halls right" the four guys turn at the sound of my voice.

One walks forward to stand in front of me "we never asked for your opinion sweet cheeks." I turn my head up ignoring the pain the action causes. The boy looks down at me with a lopsided smile.

Sighing I place a friendly smile on my face " I never said to you where I was just telling you the rules."

The smirk never leaves his face as he moves closer to me "ah come on babe why don't you join us it will make you feel better." He continues to smirk as he raps a hand around my waist.

He pulls me into his chest taking a puff from his smoke-blowing it into my face. I push him away dragging the smoke away from my face. "No now stop" he only laughs at my response moving closer to me. Before he can grab me again I stare up into his eyes. I never make eye contact unless I want to compel people so I don't do it by accident.

Once I make eye contact he freezes I never said anything so I don't understand why he stops. His friends call him from behind "hey man come on hurry it up." he doesn't respond he just stands there. Turning my eyes away I walk past my head throbbing from moving it so much.

Finally, back in my room, I decided to lie down not sleeping just staying calm and relaxed.

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