Wait! Double!?

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A/N: Huh?
Before reading... I did some editing on this chapter and made some little change to it... I felt it was dragging and I couldn't get anywhere in last few chapter for those who kept up. It took longer to finally finish and update.. and I'm actually happy with this one... please enjoy.


Jungkook pov

The next day was a big clean up, using all my save up funds to help rebuild some parts of the city. Other lords from different land help us rebuild and restore in food and others care for the people. "Jungkook... I am amazed of how well you run our country." My father says to me as I look over other matters.

"Thank you. There wasn't much you left me when you guys pass. But... I will ask this...How long are you going to stay?"

"Oh. Well that depends on your spouse, he was the one who brought us back."

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Why don't you ask him. There must be a reason, even I don't know."

"I will soon he wakes up."

"Jungkook sweetie, how long will that be? He's been out half of the day now." My mother says to me.

"Well whatever he did took most of his energy and I'm okay with a little rest." I said to her.

"Little rest? Jungkook. I have a gut feeling about this. Why don't you go and check on him. Please."

"Fine. I was going to check on him anyways after I finish with these matters."

"No, Jungkook, listen to your mother. Go and check on him now. Why don't you let me take care of this for you. If I know any better, she may be right about something. So go and don't worry about this." My father says to me. Looking at him and my mother I sigh and drop my work and when suddenly Jimin's other family came running in.

"JUNGKOOK! Come quick!" Samantha came rushing as soon as I got up.

"Why? What's wrong?" I said in a serious tone of voice and taking me a little surprise.

"You need to come to Jimin's room! Quick!"

"What! What's wrong now?" And I quickly followed them out the door.

We ran down the hall as my parents followed me behind. Soon I got close to Jimin side of the residence area. His parents are outside along with our children looking rather worried. "What's wrong?" As I approach them.

"I don't know. We were all about see Jimin when this is all over the entrance." Madam Park explains.

I look at the residence it whole place is covered with tree vines and when I walk closer a strong wind pushed me back like it is keeping me out.

"I wouldn't get too close if I were you." A voice said and I look back. There I see the moon goddess along with someone else with her.

"Who are you." I said to him.

He chuckled at me and walked past me looking at the entrance of Jimin's residence examining it carefully. "Hmmm ... he sure did a number of work, did he now."

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