My Jimin Pt2*

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(Present time (A/N: finally))
Jungkook pov

I woke up shouting Jimin's name and rush out to find him not caring what is going on around me. I transform to my dragon state destroying my entire room and fly out the room window to find Jimin. The moon is nice and beautiful like my Jimin, looking below the ground I start looking for him. Soon enough I spotted him walking around, I lower myself down and to my surprise he was all injured and beat up staggering as he walks.

Landing on the ground I shifted back to my human form and ran over to him and hug him tightly in my arms. "Jimin!" Covering my face in his shoulders and smelling him good remembering his feature as tears suddenly fall down my face. "Jimin!" I said and holding him close and not letting go.

After what seems like several minutes of holding him, I look up at him in the eyes and it seems like there is nothing but emptiness. "Jimin?" Examining his face.

"Where is he? Where is my lord? Help me find him. I want him back." Then he suddenly starts crying. "Where is he? Where is my lord?" He goes on stretching his hands.

"I'm here. I am right in front of you. I'm here. I'm not letting you go ever!"

"Where is he? I can't find him. Where..." Jimin keeps saying, like something is blinding his sight it didn't long until finally Jimin faint in my arms as tears stream down his face.

Squeezing my eyes shut and though how could this happen? My jimin alive in my arms again. How I don't know, but what matter most is that Jimin is alive with me.

"Jungkook!" Someone shouted, looking up to see who and it was Jin and the rest of my close friends.

"Guys." And turn my attention to Jin. " Jin... I told you to look after jimin." Getting angry about it.

"I'm sorry, soon I went back to get him, he was gone. We look for him for the past two days." Jin says.

"TWO DAYS!" Raising my voice.

"Yes, we suspected Sarah..."

"SARAH!" Getting really piss off after hearing her name, and suddenly lightening crack above the sky.

My friends looked startled and a bit frighten of how angry I've become and a bit confused a little of the sky of why it's like that suddenly. Next thing I know I hear my name calling from the distance. Checking to where it is coming from and I know already who it is.

Sarah came out from the trees, hiding something behind her back. "Jungkook? Your awake! I was so worried about you." Feeling relief as she spoke and averted her attention to Jimin who is in my arms still and bruised and beat up. "Jungkook, stay away from him. He's dangerous and bad news. After what he did to you, I was worried you'll never wake up." Slowly walking up to me, but stop midway.

"Dangerous?" In disbelief, "The only thing that is dangerous is your jealousy over Jimin!" Raising my voice.

shock, "what? Jungkook wake up! He's planning to take you away from me and once he did, he'll destroy you!"

Looking at Jin, I handed Jimin over  to him while I walk over to her. She look at me in full determination, furious at her and what she did in the past and my other self was right. If I don't stop now a repeat will most like will happen again. Just like that I slap her across the face so hard in anger that she fell on the floor, speechless of what is going on. "Don't you ever speak to me ever again. I don't know why my family even adopted you to begin with. You better stay away from me and Jimin do you understand?! And if I catch you out of your quarters or sneaking out again. I'll have lock up in the dungeon. You should be lucky that I spare your life instead, cause of your father." I turn my attention to Yoongi, "make sure she stays lock up in her quarters." He nodded his head and pick up Sarah as her face is beginning to be red. "And if you take one step out of your residence I'll cut off your feet for disobedience."

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