"Go on."

I worked up just enough courage and fiercely slapped him across the cheek. The sound resonated throughout the air craft. The impact had been enough to sweep Antonio's face to the side but seemed harmless other than the small trail of blood on his lip.

He just chuckled slightly, wiping the blood from his face. Then in a matter of seconds I found myself collapsed in a gasping heap on the floor as a result of Antonio's sudden attack. He had slapped me with such a force that I'd fallen down and continued to kick me in the stomach. Each blow was winding me and my lungs soon found themselves desperate for air. They burned with need.

Only when I had seemingly stopped defending his beatings did he stop.

"Come on."

He muttered to me while carefully picking me up and placing me on a chair. He buckled my still body into it before taking a seat of his own opposite me.

"We are going back to my home country. Italy."

That didn't shock me that much. I was just pissed off that it took me being beaten to get some answers. Couldn't we have just bypassed the violent part?

"As for the pain, I had a contraceptive implant and a GPS tracker put into you."

Again, I wasn't exactly surprised. It was really only a matter of time. I was almost shocked that Antonio hadn't tried to do something sexual with me already, but my knowing didn't mean I wouldn't put up a fight if he did try anything. The GPS only disturbed me. Now I would constantly be watched and I knew that escaping him could only possibly be a fantasy from now on. There was no way out.

I didn't bother responding to Antonio. He wasn't worth it and at this point I knew that any response I made that wasn't liked would only end with me being the hurt one. This wasn't right. I knew that. A man, or any other person, shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances to harm another person like this. He should be rotting in prison and my only regret was I couldn't help put him there. These monsters didn't belong in our society, they should be locked up behind bars. He didn't even have any remorse for hurting me. I saw his confidence in those cold eyes. Antonio Marino had no soul.

Minutes after Antonio's little confession an awkward looking air hostess approached Antonio, holding a glass of what I presumed was whisky. He nodded her head after taking the glass, dismissing her. I followed her moving figure as she disappeared into the back of the private plane.


Antonio now sat on my seat's arm rest, holding the glass to my dry lips. I eagerly accepted his offer and gulped down as much of the liquid as I could. It burned my throat but I couldn't care less. I needed to feel numb, from all the pain and confusion I felt. This was the only way out and I had no idea when I would next be offered alcohol again.

Noticing my greed, my captor tore the glass away - obviously surprised by how much I had drank.

"Jesus Alice."

He sat back down, placing his now empty glass on the table.

"I meant a sip."

I just closed my eyes and leant my head back into the rest, waiting for the buzz from the alcohol to take over. The glass had probably contained about two or maybe even three shots of what I could now confirm was whisky. I hadn't eaten anything in a while either but that all changed when Antonio insisted I ate something. Therefore I knew I wouldn't receive the heavenly buzz that I knew I deserved.

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