Chapter 31

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It's the day of the play. All of the hard work and preparation and the day is finally here! I've made so many new friendships and I really have enjoyed being apart of something like this.. but I am honestly pretty excited to get it over with.

I turn and look at my clock.. 5:59
I've been up all night, I went downstairs around 3 and made some tea. Chandler walked in the door from a long day of filming mercy and he looked all bloody.

"Tough night?" I smile

"You didn't have to wait up for me." He says walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I get butterflies like usual but can smell the fake blood and push him away.

"Go take a shower." I laugh

I wasn't awake for him I was awake because I couldn't sleep.

We're expecting hundreds beyond hundreds of people in our large school auditorium and I will admit.. it's freakier than any audition.

He walks up stairs and I put my mug in the sink before walking into my room.

I crawled into my bed and just stare out of my window.

The clock finally changes to 6 and I shoot out of my bed.

I walk to my bathroom feeling dizzy and turn on my light which of course blinds me.

I put on my morning face cleanser and brush my teeth.

I walk into my closet and pick out the outfit I'm going to wear today.

Which is just some skinny jeans, a graphic T with a red flannel which is Chandler's and my black converse.

I pull my hair into a messy bun and put on some natural make up.

Today at school we are just going to be practicing for the play and doing a lot of last minute prep which is having a mini photo shoot that will be made into the programs and introduction sheets.

"Let's go chair!" I yell as I open the door.

"Surprise!" My mom yells standing right in front of me.

"Mom!" I jump into her arms and hug her tightly.

She lets me go and holds my face in her hands

"Look at how beautiful you are sweetie you're growing so fast!" She hugs me once more and I notice my father close the car door and looks at me with a huge smile

"Dad!?" I run up to him and he picks me off the ground and spins me around.

I begin to cry and just now realize how much I've missed them... Both.

Chandler walks out and gives my mom a hug before shaking my dads hand.

"What are ya'll doin' here!?" I grin

"We wanted to see your play! Are you excited!?" My mom asks

"Yeah to get it over with!" I laugh

My mom drops us off at school and Chandler and I walk into the auditorium where we greet everyone else.

A short young looking lady with a big smile walks over to chandler and I.

"Hi I'm Ms. Rebecca, you can call me Ms. Becca."

"I'm going to be your substitute drama teacher because Ms*forgot her name* sadly has the flu and can't make it to the performance.. "

We all have a moment of silence and I'm not sure why because she isn't dead..

Ms. B clears her throat before continuing.

"Well.. I was told that Alice could help me out?" She looks around and I stand up.

RIGGS //A Chandler Riggs fanfiction//BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now