Chapter 19

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I pull away.

I slowly pull my hand away from his cheek and open my eyes.

I can't help the redness that fills in my cheeks, I bite my lip.

He looks shocked.. my smile goes away as we both adjust ourselves to face infront of us.

My hands sit on my lap as we awkwardly keep our distance.

"So.. it's your turn." I say quickly standing

"Oh, yeah." he stands aswell and we walk back. I stand a few feet infront of him though and arrive to see Noah, he stands up.

"Oh there you are! Is Chandler okay?" he asks

"Yep he's fine!" I nod to him.

I walk to the bowling balls and pick up a white one that glows a beautiful green.

Chandler walks up and takes it from me, our hands touch and we look at eachother. I quickly let it go.

Walking over to Noah and sitting beside him.

I pick up his arm and throw it around me.

He doesn't say anything

Chandler bowls his first ball and gets all but one pin.

"Come on Chan!" I yell cupping my hands around my mouth

Noah looks at me oddly. I shrug

Chandler gets a spare and I jump up and hug him. He spins me around aswell.

I look back at Noah and quickly Chandler puts me down.

We bowl for an hour more and everything is fine. I'm back to flirting with Noah and Chandler is my friend. Until we're left alone.

Noah has been off with his senior friends, their all acting like dorks at the arcade room.

I'm sitting with Shelby.

She has red hair that ends at her hips, beautiful dark blue eyes, perfectly clear skin and paper white teeth.

She looks about my height and she is 14 aswell.

We have been joking around a lot and now we're talking about Rachel and Chandler

"About a year." she says about how long they've been dating.

"Wow.. for a highschool relationship that's a long time." My eyes widen

"Yeah, they were set up by friends.. can't believe they even broke up." I say

"Me either! Why did they break up again?" Asks Shelby

I tell her about the argument, but I leave out the kissing.

"There has to be more to the story then that. Rachel has never acted like that towards him before... they were extremely private about the relationship."

I don't reply, I stand up and walk to the food stand and get a milkshake.

The man gives it to me and I walk over to the entrance of the building.

I see Rachel outside sitting on a curb, we aren't suppose to leave because it's a lock in. I walk back to the counter and get a second milkshake.

I find a way to open the locked doors.

I walk up to her and she looks up at me, sniffling.

I sit beside her

"What so you want." she sniffs

"I know YOU want a friend." I give her the second milkshake

She takes it slowly and looks at me.

"What's this?" she asks trying to keep her distance.

"A milkshake." I shrug before taking a sip of mine.

"Why are you doing this." she asks not making it a question, she stirs her straw around the ice-cream drink.

"Because I feel bad..." I hold my milkshake, she looks at me.

Suddenly she gets a text, from her friend.

She looks at it and her mouth drops.

"Is this why you feel bad!?" she shoots up, I stand up and look at we phone. A photo of Chandler and I locking lips is what pops up on her screen, my mouth falls to the ground

"Oh my gosh where'd you get that!?" I yell

"You kissed my boyfriend!" she shoots back

"No I didn't he dumped you remember!" I spat

She doesn't reply, her eyes begin to water.

She cuffs her milkshake in her hand and I brace myself for an attack, she lifts it up and throws it as hard as she can and it splatters on the buildings door.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" she screeches and throws a punch, I quickly dodge it before defending myself and pushing her back.

I let go

"Rachel calm down!" I calmly say

Suddenly a car pulls up. We both look at it, her mom rolls down the window

"Rachel? Is everything okay?" she asks

Rachel looks at me, picks her bags up and gets into the car.

I watch as she slowly drives away.

I stand there for a moment until I hear the door open, I look to find Chandler walking out

My shoulders fall

"What happened?" he asked

"You saw?"

He does a straight smile..

I sit down on the curb again, he sits next to me.

"Chandler... I can't be your rebound." I look at him, he looks confused

"You JUST broke up with Rachel anyway... I'm sorry but I can't be with you in that sort of way. Not yet.. I'm going to be your friend, and whatever happens with Noah.. happens." I finish.

He doesn't answer, just turns his head and looks beyond.

It gets quiet for awhile.

I hear the door open and turn to see Noah.

"Oh sorry, I've been looking for you. Everything okay?" he asks

Chandler stands
"Yeah, everything's fine." he says looking at me then Noah before walking back inside.

I rise and walk to Noah

"Ready for another round?" I ask touching the door

"Wait." I can feel Noah's hand touch mine

I look at him

"What's going on?" he asks

"Nothing.. really." I smile

"Alice I can see the way you look at him." he speaks, my smile slowly fades. A tear falls from my eye

"Noah I don't know what I want.." I cry, he pulls me into a hug.

He doesn't say anything as we pull away

"I like you! I really do I just.. I like Chandler too." I finally admit.

He half smiles

"That happens alot." he says

"I know, I feel bad but I don't know what I want right now." I look out into the parking lot of the shopping center

"So you don't want to be my girlfriend?" he scratches the back of his neck. I look at him

"Girlfriend?" I question

"Well I was gonna ask you, but I never knew how." he shrugs

I smile

"Of course I'll be you girlfriend." I slightly grin

"But I thought you liked Chandler?"

"I told him I can't be with him. He and Rachel just broke up and I'm not going to be a rebound." I state

He laughs

"So you're not just saying that? Do you mean it and you aren't trying I make him jealous?" Asks Noah

"Of course not! I really like you Noah! I'll get over Chandler." I shrug before grabbing his hand and rushing back inside.

A few hours pass and we haven't bowled since again.

Chandler is avoiding me.

He is bowling with his friends with the occasional walking away to cry.

I met his friend Sam, I've seen a few of him in Chandler's old V-logs on youtube.

Sam is extremely funny and nice, but he jokes around alot.

I'm sitting on my chair on the floor. I'm getting pretty tired so I'm lying in a blanket Noah got me from his car as I look on twitter and Instagram.

I changed my icon photos to the one of Noah and I with our shirts glowing perfectly from the black light.

I've gotten tons of comments and all asking me about Rachel and Chandler. Apparently Sam has been telling everyone they broke up and now everyone is asking me. I decide to reply to one

@chelseariggs- did Rachel and Chandler really break up!?
- I respect Chandlers privacy and you should too.

Is all I reply with.

I suddenly see Noah in the corner of my eye sit beside me, he wraps his arm around me and I smirk not looking away from my phone.

"Chandler's crying again." he sighs.

I look up and notice he is gone.

I've never thought of Chandler being the type of person to cry over a break up..

I shrug

"Nothing I can do."

"Go talk to him." He eggs me on playfully bumping me with his elbow

"I tried! He is going to cry thought his heart isn't going to heal with a talk." I put my phone down

"Please!" he begs, I think he feels bad about us dating so he wants me to cheer Chandler up. Noah and Chandler are friends after all so I understand.

I roll my eyes and groan before getting up and walking back to the lockers.

Chandler stands in the corner, he isn't sobbing nor is he isn't crying.

He is just siting there holding his legs

He looks up at me

I half smile before joining him.

"Kissing you was a mistake..." I admit, I don't really feel that way but I think I made his broken heart worse.

He looks back up at me

"Why?" he asks like kissing me was no problem

"Because you just broke off a relationship of one year! And I let you kiss me.. I kissed you back." I trail off at the end.

"What!? I'm so over Rachel." he smiles

"Then why are you upset?" I ask, surprised by his response

"Because I set you up with my friend." he whispers

I look at him

"I'm sorry Chandler." I don't know why I'm apologizing.

"I am too." he replies

"Ya know, it isn't the right thing to do. For Elizabeth and Carl ya know?" I say softly

"I'm so tired of hearing that it's 'the best for the show'. I have feelings for you Alice! I'm not denying that even IF you're dating one of my best friends!" he says loudly. I let him continue

"It KILLS me to see you with him. Ever since I first saw you I KNEW we had to be more then friends because you're different! You're beautiful and- and funny and a great actress and... I guess I shouldn't be saying any of this." he stands, I grab his hand

He sits back down

"Chandler I like Noah-" I shrug

"I never wanted to like anybody.. I never wanted kids, or a boyfriend, or to even get married. But that has changed since I've came here.. you changed that." I say

"You were the first person I've ever liked. And just because I'm WITH Noah doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you." I finally admit the truth.

I can tell he is happier, but I'm still with Noah and that isn't going to change. It was the truth though, up until I met Chandler I never wanted anything to do with relationships.

"So if you and Noah don't last you'll come to me?" he asks

I look at him, sorta shocked that he said that.

"I can't believe that came out of my mouth." he looks infront of himself.

"Don't worry.. but I don't want to say that Noah and I won't last. And I don't want to say that you call dibs." I nudge his arm and we both laugh lightly

"But honestly.. I can't tell the future. And you might find someone else and get over me!" I can't believe IM telling Chandler Riggs to date someone other then me! A few days ago I wanted him all to myself.

"I guess. Thanks." he smiles at me.

We both stand and I give him a hug.

"Ok, I'm starving." I giggle as we walk away

RIGGS //A Chandler Riggs fanfiction//BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now