Chapter 18

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"CREEPER!" Chandler screams before 'you died' shoots across his side of the screen.

A stack of iron, a full diamond suit and tons of diamond and iron weapons lay all around from where he died.

He quickly presses re-spawn

I quickly get to his stuff before him and laugh hysterically as it all switches to my inventory

"Hey!" he hits me with his characters hand

I switch to his diamond sword I just picked up

"Wanna punch me again?" I threaten.

"Okay I'm sorry I'm sorry!" he turns around and begins running, I chase after him

"Please give me my sword!" he continues to run

"Okay okay..." I stop chasing him and give him an almost broken wooden sword.

"Really!?" he says loudly. I start laughing again

He hits me once and I pull out my bow and draw it back.

"This will light you on fire if I shoot." I refer to my power III bow.

"Okay fine..." he puts his head down and slowly walks away from me, I hit him anyway.

He shoots up into flames as his body twitches and his hearts slowly go down, he begins running away searching for a source of water.

It's too late, he dies.

I laugh again as he falls backwards dropping his remote.

I turn the xbox off.

"You didn't save it!" he shoots back up

"We'll just start over later." I shrug

I help him up and we look into each other's eyes.

The moments ruined by a knock on the door

"Oh, be out in a minute." I yell looking away from him

"We should go... " he awkwardly says putting his flannel shirt back on over top of his Signature Carl Grimes shirt

"Yeah. I will be out in a while." I say walking him to the door.

"Are you okay?" he asks turning back around to face me.

"Yeah! I'm just gonna change." I half smile

"Okay.." he shrugs before walking away.

I change back into my outfit and do my makeup again, rubbing all the fake dirt and blood off my skin before getting my phone and walking to the cast who has already sliced the cake. For Scott's going away party, and David.

"Want cake?" Lauren asks, I deny it and walk over to Scott and David.

I give Scott a huge hug. I hear a click and turn to see Steven with a camera.

"Smile!" he says and we both smile, I turn to Scott.

"So are you gonna cut your hair and shave?" I ask

"Probably." he laughs

That's the only talk we have before everyone gets into conversations with him.

Andrew stand after 15 minutes and raises his wine glass

"This is a toast to an amazing finale, a great cast and crew, and to the ones who we lost tonight." Everyone cheers, Chandler and I are left out, we give hugs

After that we all talk for 20 minutes, take tons of photographs and and joke around. A few pranks and then it's time to leave. I stand infront of everyone ontop of a now empty table

"Before everyone leaves. I'd like to thank everybody who has put effort and time into the show. I'm so blessed to be apart of your family. This has been a great few months and I'm excited for filming in a few months!" I say

"And don't forget about the wrap party Friday! You can bring a date with you... if you have one." Norman looks to Steven. Everyone laughs

We all say goodbye and my mom picks me up and we walk into my room.

"How was work?" mom asks, I smile

"Good. Did Noah come by?" I ask

"Yeah he asked if you wanted to hang out tonight. His school is having a bowling party and he wanted you to come. He said that tons of freshman are gonna be there so you can meet some kids before school." she smiles

"Really?" I ask

"What time did he say he'd pick me up?" I add

"Around 6? He also said its a lock in so you're spending the night until 6 in the morning." she continues to unpack her stuff

I look at my phone, that's in an hour! I stand up and take a quick shower

I pick out a Tiffany color pair of skinny jeans and my riding boots with a white lace sweater and beach wave my hair.

I do my makeup and take out my brown leather backpack and put my charger, my camera, ipod, headphones, gum and money in it. I don't plan on sleeping but I bring a small pillow just in case.

I hear a knock at the door and my mom opens it up and Noah stands in the doorway

"Hey you know there are TONS of walking dead celebrities up here." he sighs with a slightly starstruck tone

"Yeah it's a personal level of the hotel, only walking dead members can stay up here. Surprised they let you by!" I sling my backpack around my shoulder and meet him at the door

"Oh it wasn't easy but..." he slowly steps sideways to show me a guard who walked him up.

I laugh

"Oh I know him." I quickly say, the man nods his head once before walking away.

"Come in!" I pull the door open more.

"Actually we should go." he looks at his phone

"Right! bye mom!" I smile, she waves

I walk out and close the door

I give him a smile as he slowly leans down and gives me a kiss.

He lets go and looks around

"Don't worry." I grab his hand and we walk down the hall and into the elevator.

We drive awhile before reaching the bowling alley.

I walk inside and music blares.

There are TV screens on the ceiling in between every other bowling alley that play music videos of today's hits.

Each bowling alley has neon black light like the skating rink.

Tons of teenagers are bowling. from freshman to senior.

We rent our bowling shoes and change into them.

"Alley 5." the man instructs and we walk hand in hand to alley 5.

My smile wipes away and I come to a halt as a familiar face turns around from getting a strike and high fives his friend.


He looks at me and stops smiling. I don't pull away from Noah, I give Chandler a smile and put my stuff down on a chair.

"Add us in." I say letting go of Noah

Chandlers friend Anthony shrugs before adding Noah and I to the board

I let Noah bowl first

Chandler comes up and hugs me

"I didn't know you were coming!" He says

"Yeah Noah invited me." I reply

"Oh so are two a couple?" He puts his arm behind his back and 'flexes'

"No we're just dating.." I shrug

"Where's Rachel?" I look around

"Oh she went to get us drinks 15 minutes ago.." says Chandler looking down.

We stand there silently until Noah says it's my turn

I pick up a purple bowling ball and roll it down the alley, it hits 4 pins

"Grr." I groan, I pick up a beautiful green glow in the dark ball and get a spare! I turn around and jump into Noah's arms as he spins me around

"I took awesome pictures!" he says holding out his phone showing me a picture of me bowling. It looks so professional and the photo catches the glow from the black light! He shows me a few more!

"Wow they look great!" I say taking my phone from his hands, I put it back to the camera and wrap my one arm loosely around his neck and take the photo.

"Want help?" a girl asks walking up to us.

"That'd be great!" I give her my phone.

Noah wraps his arms around my back, she takes one photo of me laughing and him just smiling.

"Oh no I was laughing can you do it again?" I ask, she agrees and takes one more

"Thank you!" She gives me my phone back, we take a look at the 2 pictures and I adore the one of me laughing.

"My name is Shelby by the way, do you go to our school?" she asks

"I am going to be a freshman next week." I smile

"Awesome! I'll see you around!" she turns to leave

"Wait! Whats your number? Ya know if I need anything." I shrug

We add our numbers into eachother's phone's and then give them back

"Alice? You're on the walking dead with Chandler right?" she asks

I nod.

"Oh that's awesome! Well I gotta go it's my turn! Bye!" she waves and walks away

"Oh wheres Chandler he's up." I turn around and look, I find him in a corner with Rachel. It looks pretty heated by the way she's throwing her arms in the air, yelling.

I squint my eyes and try to listen to the conversation, but the music and crowd is too loud.

"I hope he's okay." I cross my arms

"He's fine." he walks up and wraps his arms around me from behind

Rachel begins crying. Chandler is now to the point where he tries to hug her, she pushes away and runs near me.

We have a moment of eye contact before she grabs her stuff and leaves the bowling warehouse.

Chandler looks at me, shakes his head and walks away. I follow him with my eyes as he sits near the lockers

"I'll be back, he needs a friend." I say to Noah and walk away

I see his legs, he is sitting down with his back against a locker. It's a lot quieter as the noise is settled by this area.

I look at him.

"Are you crying?" I ask alittle too loud

He looks up, obviously crying

"No.. yeah." he admits I sit beside him

"What happened?"

He takes a minute to reply

"I broke up with Rachel." he whispers, I look at him not replying.

"I- she's just..." He tries


"She said that dating me was too hard that the fans were to involved in our relationship. I agreed so I broke it off. She said she didn't want to break up... but if you love something so much, then let it go." he spits out

"I want her to be happy." he whispers

I stay silent

My hand slowly begins moving. I don't know why, but it ends up on his back.

He looks up at me and I pull him into a hug.

"If you want to cry, now is the time." I say

He pulls away

"I'm done crying." he shakes his head.

I wipe one of his tears away with my sleeve. What he does next is what I wasn't prepared for, what I wasn't expecting.

He looks in my eyes.

The baby blue death traps have made their way into my heart.

He moves in, and kisses me. It feels different from when I kissed him on set. From kissing Noah, I feel fireworks...

He pulls away.

"I'm sorry." he apologizes, I give him a small smirk before kissing him back, pulling him in for one more time.

A real kiss.

From Chandler Riggs

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