Chapter 14 Pakistani Idol?!

Start from the beginning

Well that just great.

Just proves that guys don't look at signs







"Salma! get ready!" Yelled my mom.

I unwillingly got up from my comfy position and locked the door to change.

I got out a long, orange top with brown and black checkered cuffs, collar and rim. It reached a bit below my knees, longer at the back and shorter in the front. I paired it with a brown hijab and churidhaar tights ( long tights that are scrunched up at the end.)

I put on a few accessories before heading downstairs with my phone.

My brother followed with a casual, red,
Button up shirt and black jeans.

Our dad quickly shooed us into the car as we waited for my mom.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

20 minutes...

We just sat there waiting.

I killed about 20% of my battery as I entertained myself in the car.

Frustrated, my dad got out of the car and made his way to the house door.

In 5 seconds flat, my mom came out, flailing her purse which got my dad in the nose. She was wearing a mint green dress with sequenced cuffs and rim. her hijab was fluttering in the wind as she made her way down the steps and into the car.

My dad followed with grumpy steps, rubbing his nose.

" What took you so long?" he asked.

" Sorry, I couldn't find the right shoes." she says, and flashed her mint green pumps to show my dad.

" We're going to take them off there anyways, there was no point."

My mom just frowned before flicking her fingers at his head.

"Like you've never been late for silly reasons, you take an hour to style whatever hair is left on your head, doing that won't mane them grow back!"

Another 10 minutes past as the bald man and hijab bickered over leaving the stove on or sleeping in the middle of the room when we have guests.

" Can't you guys fight when we get there?" Bilal said.

Both my parents just gave a deep 'hmmph' before the engine started and we were finally off.

When we arrived, Ahmed's mom greeted us with hugs and a few cheek pinches.

Her hair was straightened and looked perfect.

She ushered us into the living room where everyone was crowded, all chattering away.

There was a an elevated part of the floor where the men were sitting and below that, the women.

We greeted all the aunties before finding a place to sit.

Unfortunately, being a young person, I had to give up my spot for everyone else thus leaving me on the floor.

This is going to give me arthritis.

After a while my knees started to hurt because of sitting on the solid ground. no matter what position I sit in, it doesn't work.

Suddenly, I saw a round plushy stool next to the elevated part of the floor. Desperately, I scurried to it, enjoying the cushiness.

I was just getting comfortable when Samina chachi all of a sudden stood up.

" Can everyone sit down!"

Slowly people began to sit and be quiet.

I wonder what's happening.

In the corner of my eye I saw a Karaoke box thingy near me.


Next thing I knew, I saw Ahmed walk in with an awkward smile.

She greeted everyone before sitting onto the stage like thingy.

" My son has a wonderful voice, really! if we were to live in Pakistan then in sure he'll be the next Pakistani Idol." I heard Samina chachi say.

He can sing!?

A few of the old aunties starting yelling out old songs and stuff for him to sing and surprisingly, Ahmed seemed quiet confident.

after a while of chatting and sing suggesting, the ladies finally picked one.

A moment of silence fells as Samina chachi dimmed the lights.


I was the closest to Ahmed, practically next to him, and when he sang...

I probably had anime eyes or something.

His voice was melodious and surprisingly, quiet impressive.

I sat there gaping as all the aunties and uncles cheered an whistled.

Oh my jibbernutters!

When the song ended, everyone cheered. Samina chachi sat there with pride and saying ' I told you so' over and over again.

He gave a glowing smile to the fans before looking at me and smiling but it was different than the smile he have to the aunties. this was more genuine and real.

If that makes sense.




well almost...

This is officially the last chapter of 2014 😢 but next year will be just as great!!

2014 was allhumdulliah, amazing! and inshallah the years to come will he too.

Have a safe new year and watch lots of fire works!

See you soon!! (P.S. sorry if this chap is short, just wanted to update before 2015 😊)

PEACE!🎆🎉🎊 - Inaya sher

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