~The Interviews~

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I wake up. It's about 9:30 am. Finally Lavinia and Ivory let me sleep. Today's the day of the interviews.  I groan. I get up and out of my bed, and walk to breakfast still in pyjamas. "Good Morning! It's the day for interviews!" Lavinia pipes up. "Lavinia, do me a favour shut the fuck up, I need coffee, then we can talk." "Fine. I'm going to get your outfit ready." I roll my eyes and eat breakfast, which is Lamb Stew and some bread. I down my coffee, and take a little bacon. When I'm done eating I walk over to Lavinia so she could tell me how to be a civilized person. I roll my eyes.

~~A few hours later~~
I sit down to eat lunch, Which is Broccoli Cheddar Soup, with bread and bacon on the side. I manage to get them to bring me a slice of raspberry cream pie. Then I walk to the rooftop, and I start pacing. What if nobody will sponsor me? What if.... My thoughts are cut off by Lavinia. "It's time for you to
get dressed" "Fine." I reply bluntly. We walk into my room, and I see a sky blue dress shirt, and a white suit jacket and pants, as well as a flower crown that, has flames at the top, so you press a button. As we walk downstairs to the Interviews session, I see most of my fellow tributes stare at me, "How long does the flame go?"
"From now til after your interview." Lavinia says, and I nod. I decide to put it on flame, and I sit down. "Well look who decided to dress nice." Newt says snuggling into my arm. I mess up his hair. "Hey, My stylist did my hair." He groans. "Whatever" I mutter. The first tribute walks on stage.Blah blah. Then I stop paying attention up until district 9.
A/n: Caeser's in bold noots in italics))

C: Welcome Newt. It's suprising that you got such a high score.
N: Well, I am pretty good with a garding hoe. and a spear ;;
C: Intresting, you look pretty cute, Is there a special girl at home?
N: No, I don't exactly have one.
C: Tell me who it is then.
N: Well, he's also a fellow tribute. His name is Asher...
C: That's bad luck.
N: Welp...

Newt gets asked some more questions then he walks off stage.

Its my turn. I get in line and wait for the 10's to go,  then it's my turn.

C: The reaping for your district was a bit interesting... You volunteered, for a stranger.
A: Yes well, I actually hate my district and I needed time to get away.
C: Interesting... So... are you in a relationship with Newt from district 9?
A: Yes. I am. Is there a problem with being gay in the country? If so I'd like to end It. I also put my crown on fire.
*crowd goes insane*
C: Well... That's very
interesting...! Oh my god... Your on fire.
A: Bish please I'm probably an Icon by now.
*buzzer goes off and I walk off stage*
We walk back to the elevators. So.  i think I did well. Being my sarcastic and arrogant self. We push the button that says 11 and fly to our  floor. I sigh and get in the shower and I scrub all the grease and jells out of my hair. then I wash the rest of my body. I step out and put on pyjamas. Tomorrow the games begin. I am so not ready. I try to fall asleep, but I can't. I order some warm milk to fall asleep, and I works. I'm staring out at the capitol and my eyes start to droop...

"Blind~Sighted" Tmr x Thg crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن