Both of her eyes open fully, seeing his attentive ones on her, watching as she began to process his words. She thought over what he said, coming to the understanding that what he was saying was indeed concerning.

Even after she had just fed, she still had the urge to keep going, to drain another person or bloodbag dry. It was almost as if she could never quite be satisfied, the suppressed temptation always there. That kind of hunger could easily overdrive any sort of common sense you had — it was that relentless, that consuming. And yet, during her whole time here, it was as if the main part of what made her a vampire had disappeared.

"I... don't feel it." Mila admitted, stumped on the conclusion she came to. She barely noticed that Kai's hands were still on her shoulders, his weight making the mattress dip while he sat beside her.

"Me either. It's totally weird, right? Then again, this is all weird, but if we are going to figure out what's going on with us, we need to test what happens when we do feed. If anything changes." Kai replied, slowly retracting his arms from her and shifting more in her direction.

Mila caught on to what he was saying. "You want to feed on me to see if anything changes?"

"Or you can feed on me. Either way, it'll work."

"Well, what if something bad happens? I don't know the logic behind what exactly we are yet, but we probably aren't feeling the hunger for a reason."

"But what if it's a step in the right direction. Remember when I came back from hell and I couldn't taste or feel anything? Total bummer by the way wouldn't recommend it. Anyway, it was because I was still technically dead. If we know that we still have the capacity to feed and we feel something from it, then that's one point for the evidence we aren't exactly dead dead."

"Am I dreaming or are you making sense for once?"

"All that I got from that is you dream about me a lot. Makes sense. I'm irresisti — ah!"

A hand suddenly shoots up to grip his hair, using the leverage to expose his neck, where her fangs punctured the skin. Blood instantly flooded into her mouth, and she moaned at the remarkable taste, her grip on him tightening. Kai let out a breathy moan as well, raising his arm to caress her head, only encouraging her to continue.

A moment later, she pulled back, her chest heaving from the sensation and rush of energy. The crimson substance stained her lips and the area around it. Her tongue peeked out to lick some of it off, feeling exhilarated from feeding but her hunger still wasn't as intense as it was before; it was like it was no longer a necessity, just something that felt good to do — really good to do if she was being completely honest.

Kai's thumb swiped some of the remaining blood off her chin, and even in the darkened room Mila could see how dilated his eyes were. "Not gonna lie. That was hot."

"Well, for your information, you're not irresistible. But you do taste good." Mila breathes out. Kai leans in, her glowing green eyes studying every aspect of his focused face. Not that she would admit it, but he kind of did look irresistible right now.

Kai blinks, his own eyes staring at her parted lips. Mila becomes breathless, her already racing heart seeming to pick up speed and thump harder. Kai could hear it, but his only reaction is to dip his head until their lips were almost touching. She could sense his warm breath, the flutter of his eyelashes brushing her skin. She was thoroughly distracted by him; so much that she knew that if he kissed her she wouldn't have the strength to push him away.

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