Day 63 19th May 2020

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There's 4,421 cases in Northern Ireland, 248,818 in the UK and 24,251 in Ireland. There's over 5 million cases worldwide which is a lot. Hopefully the numbers will go down more and there won't be as many people getting infected.

When I got up I watched Celebrity SAS and they had to go in freezing water for five minutes. They had to hold their breath for as long as possible and come up for air as little as possible. Everyone passed apart from Helen Skelton. They shouted at her and I felt sorry for her.

They got messages from home and Tony shut the laptop as soon as he saw it. I thought it was quite strange and I don't think I've ever seen someone not wanting a message from home.

They had to carry heavy things with them again and the guy Lockie hurt his knee but he kept going. I thought he was pretty tough because I probably would've given up if I'd hurt myself.

At the end they had to go on the run from hunters and Joey, Lauren and Helen seemed to be doing well. But Tony and the others seem like they're going to get caught. They left it on a cliffhanger and I mean literally as well as figuratively; they were at the edge of a cliff. so I'm excited for the next episode.

After that I did more work on my essay and I think it's finished. Hopefully the exam question will be similar so that I don't have to change much.

I watched The Graham Norton Show and I found out that Miranda Hart is nearly 6 foot 1. I'm shocked because I knew she was tall, but not that tall.

Will Ferrell was on as well and he was talking about a Eurovision movie that he made. I'd heard about it ages ago but I'd no idea it was out this year. I'll definitely be watching it.

Mark Ruffalo was on talking about his new show, which I've downloaded the first episode of. I haven't watched it because I'm waiting for more episodes. He said that he had to play twin brothers and they're quite different. One is heavier than the other so he was going to gain 30 pounds but he didn't think he could get the weight off again. So instead he lost 20 pounds and then gained 30 pounds so that it would be more manageable.

Then I watched Celebrity Gogglebox USA and they had a few people on who I knew. I loved seeing Tyra Banks with her mum. I thought it was pretty good, but some of the things they showed was the same as the normal UK Gogglebox.

After that I watched Instinct. Lizzie and Dylan went undercover because a rich woman had been killed and they found out that she'd been at a mature club. Lizzie was an Australian and Dylan was scottish, which I found interesting because the actor is Scottish in real life.

Lizzie worked out that a hotel receptionist killed the woman. She'd been mugging rich people who stayed at the hotel because she didn't have much money, I felt a bit sorry for her.

Ryan went with the country detective to the place where the first murder was in the killing spree. They found out that one of the men who lives in the area is likely the killer and he's gone back to New York. They left it on a bit of a cliffhanger, but they could easily call Lizzie and get her to deal with it.

An ice skater was killed and they had been investigating a guy who worked at the ice rink. He was an uncle so they assumed that he'd killed the girl but he was actually innocent. Her coach was the one who killed her.

That's all for today, I hope you're all well.

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