Day 48 4th May 2020

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There are now 3,836 cases in Northern Ireland, 190,584 in the UK and 21,772 in Ireland. The UK and Ireland are talking about ending the lockdown soon, so I'm hoping that will go well. Although I've no idea when I'm meant to go back to work, I'd be worried about going in and coming home with the coronavirus.

Today I got up and watched In for a Penny and there was a really funny bit where this woman kept trying to call people she knew. But she had an old phone and the people she called weren't at home and she couldn't get through to anyone. It was funny but I felt kinda sorry for the woman.

I drove my mum to the shop and when I was on my way home three cars and a motorbike overtook me. It was crazy how they were all going past me, but it happens because I drive slowly.

I'm not allowed to go over 45mph and my car is pretty old so slow speeds feel pretty fast. Sometimes I'll be going at 25mph and it feels fast enough. I suppose it's an advantage because I'm unlikely to speed, whereas in my driving instructor's car 40mph sometimes feels a bit slow.

When I got home I watched The Office and the women were having a talk so Michael decided to have a talk with the men. They went to the warehouse and Michael was using a forklift and he messed up the area completely, it was pretty funny.

Pam was offered a job in graphical design and she seemed pretty excited about it, but her stupid fiance didn't want her to go. He really is way too controlling!

Then I watched House of Games and unfortunately JB only got 2 points throughout the whole show and he lost.

I watched The Graham Norton Show and Chris Hemsworth was on. He was talking a bit about Extraction and he showed off his hammer and battle axe from the Thor and Avengers movies, which was cool. They also showed a meditation thing that he has and it made me laugh.

I watched the last three episodes of Grey's Anatomy and I'm sad that it's over and the next season won't be out for ages because of the coronavirus.

There was a conference and Richard was meant to be talking about his pen that detected cancer but he hallucinated Catherine being there with him. He thought he'd discovered the cure for cancer and he went mad when he was giving the presentation. He had to be taken away and memes of him were made.

They admitted him to the hospital and he was showing a lot of signs of dementia. They were going to let him leave until they found out that he had sore legs and he couldn't feel his feet. DeLuca looked through his medical history and found out that his copper hip implant was causing his symptoms.

They got the hip implant out and put in a new one and he was fine after that. I'm so happy because I thought he was going to have to go into a care home or something.

Catherine had said sorry to Richard and it seemed like they were going to get back together, unfortunately Richard got angry with her after the surgery. Even though Catherine annoys me sometimes I do think that her and Richard love each other. I'd like them to work things out.

At the conference Teddy saw a woman who she used to live with and we found out that Teddy had been in love with the woman's girlfriend. They all lived together and Teddy never said about them cheating.

She had sex with Koracick right before her wedding and her phone recorded it. It got sent to Owen and he cancelled the wedding. I really hope Teddy will pick Koracick, they seem like a much better fit and I way prefer him to Owen.

Koracick's ex came in with her son who looked and sounded like Koracick's son who died. He gave the case to Amelia but she went into labour which turned out to be false. Koracick had to do the surgery and he froze up, thankfully Teddy was there to help him and the kid recovered.

Amelia had her baby but Link wasn't there for the birth because he was doing surgery on Richard. Bailey had to help instead and the baby was so cute.

DeLuca had a bit of a breakdown after Richard's surgery and he was crying and it seems like he's acknowledged that he has a problem. I really hope he'll be able to get help and Meredith seems like she's going to support him which is good.

I was listening to music on Spotify and I thought Forget You by CeeLo Green had come on but he started singing fuck you. I never even knew there was a version where he didn't sing forget you! I'm pretty shocked, the original was probably meant to be fuck you. It's so strange hearing it sung like that since I'm so used to the lyrics being forget you. I feel kinda stupid because that song has been out for years and I only found out today that there's a version where CeeLo sings fuck you.

Bye for today, I hope you're all safe.

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