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Tories' POV:

"When I say run, I want you to run as fast as you can. Do you understand me, Torie?" My mother asks as we hide in the deep midst of the southern county of Bathe. I look at her; fear was clearly demonstrated in her eyes. She fears for our lives. We are running away from the past and trying not to look back. We were on a distant planet that I had hardly any information about. It was a peaceful planet; one of the only peaceful planets that I knew. This planet is called Earth. A smaller planet to my own. We are running from the one thing that we both feared. Time was only catching up with us. And it would be our doom. 

This was a dangerous mission to go on. We are meant to stay, but they were after us. Those giant machines that most of my kind feared. But they feared one man and one man alone. Legends we told of this man and his recent battles against the only nightmare that you could possibly have. Their shiny surfaces and they only have one mind and that is to kill and butcher. They had no choice but to follow orders from the main creator of the all. He was more of a pet really. The supreme master was the one that no man, woman or child wanted to come face to face with. He sent thrills of electricity throughout everyone's body. He was the leader and he was the one that you didn't want to ever cross paths with. The most feared creature in all of the creation and he was after us. All of us...

I and my mother walk down the broken damp streets of the place called Bath and watch our every move. We are walking in a formation of the same speed. But the only problem was that we were both scared. Anything could come round any corner that was here. None of the other's ran. They had no reason to. I was the reason that my mother ran. My father stayed behind on our home planet trying to protect others. He was a noble man and he kept his word. The last word's that I heard him say to me was.

"Run Torie. Don't let those sons of bitches catch you. I love you and I will always love you. Stay close to your mother and do everything she say's or else. I will find you both I promise. Now GO!" It was a sad ending to leave my father. He meant the world to me. Considering that I am only thirteen this was quite a message. He knew that maybe he wouldn't survive but he also knows that he would die to try and protect me and my mother. He loved us and we loved him. But it was all too late for him as, whilst I and my mother were leaving the planet a couple of those beasts got him.

They looked him in the eye and my father got down onto his knees. All I heard as me and my mother were leaving through the portal were the terrifying voice of one of the general as he said.

"You are Peter Marker... You shall be EXTERMINATED..." As those exact words were said the portal took me away and I left my father for dead.

Tears streamed down my face as the constant reminder of my mother having to drag me into the portal to save my life. I didn't want to leave my father but I had no choice. The smell of the darkened alleyways smelt of rotting rubbish. This all clouded my nose. It is disgusting and all real. It isn't a fantasy. 

At least my planet smelt a lot better than this. I look left and my mother pulls me past the corner and looks at the other side. But that's when it all went wrong. I heard the one thing that I had hoped for my life that I could escape from but the constant torment was here. I kept my back to the wall and breathed in slowly. My mother sighs and looks down at me. She reaches down to my level and brushes my cheek with her hand. She smiles softly at me and in this moment I feel safe and secure.

She pulls me into a loving hug with my head resting against her chest and I could recall her breathing pattern. As she places her soft, warm lips onto my cold head she whispers in my ear.

"Remember what I said. Stay here and don't come out unless I tell you to. I promise you, Torie, that we will see each other soon. My love, I love you and I will never stop loving you, my angel." I look into her grey eyes. Tears are dripping down from them. I shake my head slowly.

"Mum please don't go... please I have already lost dad and I don't want to lose you," I beg her. She smiles softly at me and replies thoughtfully with amusement masking the sorrow in her eyes.

"You were always so stubborn," as she says this she walks away. I quickly follow her grasping my arm onto her's. She pulls away hard and steps forward with her hands behind her head in an almost surrender. I watch carefully behind her. She had seen something around the corner and I hear a faint sound of something that I thought couldn't be real. That's when it struck me. I look from where my mother was going and my breath quickened. No...

Over in the distance a couple of meters to be exact, my mother is standing in front of them. The metal tin's watch my mother as she went forward. They acknowledge her and turning their eye and stare at her in with their blue bulb. One came closer to her.

"You are Zoe Marker... Where is she?" it asked. My mother looks at the floor and a tear fell out of her eyes.

"Gone... My daughter Torie is dead. One of your soldiers killed her." She lies. This is all my fault, all of this just to protect me. They look her up and down and I hear their metallic voices reply.

"You're lying...." It plainly says to her. They know. They know.

"No I'm not, Torie Marker is dead and I am here to surrender myself to you instead of her. The prophecy asked for one of us so I am here." My mother is lying through her teeth. But she is surrendering herself to for me. I need to save her. II watch over her and shout in a small voice.

"Mum don't do this!" I beg with desperation. She looks back at me and mouthed the words I love you to me before one of the creatures sticks a sucker to her head. 

"Much valued information is needed." It said as I watch them all. But unfortunately that's when I fell backward and my foot hit a dustbin. A crashing sound echoed through the air and everything fell silent. All eyes were on me now. 

My mother snaps her head in my direction and cries out. 

"TORIE! RUN!" As soon as those words leave her mouth, the monster starts to suck the energy and her life force away from her. I watch in horror and my heart stops. I can't breathe. My lung's stop for a moment and then that's when I start to run. I ran for my mother who was now dead on the floor. I ran for my father who was left for dead, but I mostly run for my life which will soon be cut short if I do not hurry. 

But instead of heading away from the scene like I should have done and lived out a normal life and blended in with the humans, I chose a different path. If I had chosen different would my life be what is now? I run to my mother and  I pick up her body and hold it in my arm's. She lay there cold as ice and her breathing has stopped. I start to cry and tears fall from my eyes like flood water. I glance down and my vision blurs.

"Mother please you promised you wouldn't leave me... You PROMISED!" I scream wailing. I shake her body slightly trying to wake her back up but it isn't working. 

I hear the movement of the machines in front of me and stare up. I come face to face with the dark blue eyed murderers and scowl at them, my breathing quickening. 

"You are Torina Marker. Age of thirteen and destroyer of all creation. You shall come with us and surrender yourself." It states and I shake my head in disbelief. 

"No, my name is Toriena Marker. I'm the daughter of Peter and Zoe Marker and I am the goddess of Time. A daughter of Gallifrey and the destroyer of the Dalek's..." It starts laughing menacingly. If possible it would be grinning at the moment and looking directly into my soul. I stand to my feet confidently and take a quick glance at my mother's body and look back at the Dalek. 

"You will come and watch Gallifrey Burn along with us. And then be turned into a Dalek." I continue to scowl at it and shake my head determined to escape. 

"Not a chance-" I start to say before I start to feel light headed. I feel dizzy all of a sudden and loose my footing and fall onto my back. I glance up with my head tilting from the side in pain and see the Dalek staring at me. 

"You will become a Dalek even if you don't look like one, young one..." That's when me the thirteen-year-old brunette fell into darkness. Afraid of what I would wake up to.

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