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Why am I here?

I asked myself for the nth time as freshmen continuously trickle out of their classroom looking at me with equal expressions of fright and interest to which I only answered back with a glare.

Again, why the fuck am I here?


Jesus Christ, it's 4-fucking-pm. How could he still look as pristine and cheery as he was this morning? Not even a strand of hair out of place. Whatever this guy may be, he's got to help me pull that shit off, too. God, he still even smells real good, what the fuck?

Smiling back at me, pearly white teeth and charming persona on full blast, the butterflies that deemed my stomach as their permanent residence seemed to have gone as wild as my mind right now.

Why am I feeling this way, exactly? It's not like I'm--



"I said, thank you for letting me borrow your book."

I blushed because really, have I ever done anything else aside from blushing and being shy when I'm around this guy? No.

"Uh, yeah, sure, that's fine. Don't sweat it." Rubbing the back of my neck and looking at my shoes to avoid further unnecessary eye contact.

"Can we have that promised dinner now, P'?" He asked, batting his eyelashes and subjecting me to his puppy dog eyes.

I mentally groaned. When have I ever been such a pussy in saying no to him? Puppy eyes should be banned in the country. For all I know he could ask me to kill the King with that look and I'd be unwittingly saying yes.

I sighed. "Fine. Let's go back first then I'll come to your dorm after I washed up so we could go to the cafeteria together."

That smile. That happy, satisfied as fuck smile, I swear to fucking God.

Why am I so pleased to see him happy? That I made him happy? It's not like I'm getting paid to do so. Why am I even bothering myself with all this?

We moved our separate ways and agreed to meet up in his dorm at around 7pm. Plenty of time for both of us to rest and shit.

I let myself fall on my bed, closing my eyes and covering them with my arm.

I really need to get a grip soon or else...

I took my phone and Googled the signs of falling in love. I'm not oblivious; I know what those signs are. It just doesn't make sense that I'm feeling them out of nowhere.

Okay, maybe not exactly out of nowhere because one thing in common between the feelings stirring up in me and Kongpop is that they both occur at the same time. If I'm going to be completely honest, I'd even dare say that those feelings don't occur if Kongpop is not around, so I know for a fact that these signs are associated with Kong.

I'm not that stupid; it's just simple logic, after all.

What I don't get is why. Why am I feeling like this towards Kong when I've never even felt an ounce of attraction over him? Sure, he's attractive but everyone else could see that, not a big deal.

So why does it feel like I'm falling in love with him?

Signs of Falling In Love and How Arthit Rojnapat Missed Them By A MileWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt