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"Jeez, what crawled up your ass and died there, huh?"

Meet Bright, that one friend who's always this close from having his body chopped and scattered all over Thailand.

"I'm afraid the answer to that is nothing and that alone is answer enough why our dear Ai'Oon here is always grumpy."

Meet Toota, that one friend who always seem to support your idiotic friend's antics just because. He even has the audacity to fucking sneer at me as he egged Bright on.

"Careful, Ai'Arthit, we really don't want you to end up as an old virgin with nothing but cats to keep you company."


The bastard just hummed and looked at me expectantly.

"Do you still want to live to see the light of day tomorrow?"

"Why, yes, Khun Arthit. Do you even need to ask?"

"I feel like I do since you are clearly forgetting my ability to fucking slit your throat with this sharp metal ruler I have in hand."

"Okay, enough. Jesus Christ, can't we even have a morning where none of you are screaming bloody murder at each other?"

In line of defending myself, I retorted with, "For the record, I didn't screamed." at the same time as Bright replied with his own, "I didn't started it."

It was quiet from then on, just us enjoying the breeze and comfort of our favorite spot in the field with the trees offering shade from the harsh heat of the sun. It was just 9am, first class has just ended and we still have an hour before the next. Something must've been on my face what's with the way Prem is looking at me.

"What?" I hissed after what seemed like fifteen minutes of him just fucking staring at me. I really hate staring, you know? Discreet or blatantly, I just can't fucking stand it.

"Ai'Prem here was just probably wondering why you look more constipated today." Bright butted in because, really, when had he ever not? "I mean, we always knew this is your default setting but you definitely look like you wanted to shit any time now with how you're furrowing your brows."

"I can speak for myself, Ai'Bright, thank you." Prem said, probably pulling a muscle with how hard he rolled his eyes.

"You're welcome." Bright, the asshole that he is, just replied with a cheeky smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Trying to sweep it under the rug and never to be found again, I buried my face deeper in the book I'm currently not reading.

"He was right, though." Knott said, pointedly telling me that my attempts at avoiding this conversation is futile. "What's got you so pissed?"

"0062." I mumbled, teeth gritting at the mere thought of him.

"What?" This particular conversation seemed to have caught the interest of my friends if even Toota looked up from his phone to pay attention.

"I said, 0062. That's what got me pissed."

"Oh, c'mon! Are you two still at each other's throats?" I looked away and sure enough they got the answer loud and clear. "Are you kidding me? The hazing period has been over for months now. What the hell are you still going at each other for?" Bright exclaimed as if the whole school needs to know of that.

"He still rubs me off the wrong way, okay? He's super annoying and every time I think of him, I just wanted to punch that smug smile off of his face."

Toota, then, patted my back in what I could only describe as a loving manner, "The solution to that is pretty simple, Ai'Arthit."

I stared at him with an eyebrow raised before he continued, "Just don't think about him."

I scoffed, "It's not that easy."

"Ai'Arthit, if you're so pissed at him, then why are you even sparing him a thought, huh?"

I looked at Knott with wide eyes because, seriously, that shit right there that he was saying does fucking make sense.

If Knott and Toota shared a look, I definitely missed it because I was already lost in thoughts.

Because, honestly, I don't know the answer to that question and I would also like to know.

Why the fuck am I sparing him a thought?

And sparing would be putting it mildly since the guy has practically put a tent in the forefront of my mind and decided to camp there until, seemingly, the cows have come back home.

But before I could look further as to why he even camped there, the bell for the next subject rang and we already had to ran to our next class.

Nevermind, then.

We'll deal with it later.

Signs of Falling In Love and How Arthit Rojnapat Missed Them By A Mileحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن