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"Who're you waiting a reply for?"


"Wait, you have his number!?"

I looked up from my phone upon noticing the sudden increase of intonation from Toota's voice. Apparently, not only him are looking at me like I've got three heads.

"What?" I spat, immediately hiding my phone from anyone's view and shoving it rather harshly in my pocket.

"Why do you have the number of the guy you claim to hate the most? And most importantly, why are you waiting for his text?"

Well, I wasn't exactly waiting, per se. I just got used I guess that Kongpop had always annoyingly message me good morning and have a good day and concentrate on your class, P', don't miss me too much. I huffed at that because seriously, me? Missing him? Have the crows gone white? Did the pigs finally learned to fly?

Why the fuck would I even miss his conceited ass?

And most importantly, why are you waiting for his text?

Prem's voice rang inside my head until I realized I have gone too long without replying. And since I don't know the answer to that as well, a bullshit excuse is in order.

"He told me he saw Fang and asked him to tell me she was looking for me." I shrugged for an added effect. "I asked him if she said what's it for but he's yet to reply."

"We saw Fang on the way here." Knott said, narrowing his eyes. Fuck. "She didn't say anything about her looking for you."

"Yeah, in fact we asked her if she needs an extra hand in handing out the snacks for our 2nd year recruits and she just said she could handle it." Prem added, backing up Knott's previous statement.

"Yeah, Ai'Arthit. Would you mind telling us the truth now?" I glared at Bright who quite literally didn't learned his lesson. I was just about to lunged at him when someone called my name.


All five of us turned to the voice and saw Kongpop making his way to our table. A smile has found its way to my face, albeit small, and I made sure to rein it in before somebody else notices.

Somebody else meaning my friends, especially Bright and Toota.

"May I talk to you for a second?"

I nodded stiffly before leading the way to some place in the cafeteria that is away from my friends' prying eyes.

"Why didn't you text me?"

The junior is obviously taken aback before a proud smile took over his face, turning him back to the conceited ass that he is.

"Why, P'Arthit, did you miss me?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger, trying so hard not to yell at him or worst, maul him right here and now in front of everyone.

"Could you just fucking tell me why you're here?"

Kongpop, the asshole that he is, is completely unfazed by my swearing and temper and all but smiled widely at me that both looks like teasing and polite and I honestly don't know how he could pull that off.

"I just wanted to ask if you want to grab a bite later after class."

"And why would I fucking want to do anything with you exactly?"

"Well, P', you still owe me from that time your pipe broke down and you've got no place to sleep."

"Fuck, are you always hoping for something in return whenever you help other people or is this some sort of weird special treatment you have for me?"

The bastard smirked at me and seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him?

"Only you, P'. Only you." He sure dropped his voice real low to the point where it sounded husky and I don't understand why it got hotter all of a sudden but maybe it was just the fact that it's about to be past noon soon.

With one last look, he winked at me before telling me that he'll send me the details -- as fucking if I'm fucking going anywhere near him, this jerk -- then walked off to where his friends are now hovering over the table at the corner end.

I made sure to calm myself down before I went back to where my friends are seated and just glared at the food I was already not enjoying earlier.

I felt a nudge against my elbow and I looked up to see my friends wearing the same questioning look to which I answered with a glare and shake my head before going back to glaring at my food.

Kongpop Sutthirak.

Oh, someday, your day's gonna come.

That much I promise you.

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