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Ever since that bar incident, which, thankfully, my friends graciously didn't mentioned once, Kongpop's voice and those words has been ringing in my ears more often than I'd like them to.

You're it for me.

God, why the fuck am I blushing and smiling like an idiot in the middle of the library just from the sudden onslaught of that memory?

Shaking my head, I stood up and mumbled some bullshit excuse about how I'm gonna look for more books. I then walked past a row of shelves which is hiding a particular someone.

I walked backwards to retrace my steps and sure enough, it was Kongpop who's hunched over a book with a pinch expression on his face due to immense concentration. He was mouthing the words he's reading and every movement of his lips had my feet moving towards him, itching to close the distance. He looked up, suddenly becoming aware of somebody else's presence, then his face broke into a wide smile and I swear my heart stopped beating for a moment.

God, what is happening to me? My breath hitched when he closed the distance between the two of us, book still in hand with only a finger marking the page he's currently on.

"What are you doing here?"

There're tons of ways to answer that: I could come up with a sarcastic reply as to what exactly do students do in the library; I could tell him it's none of his fucking business and he should stop being nosy; I could tell him to simply fuck off, but... why do none of it feels right?

Given our previous interactions, I could feel that either of the choices above is what he's already expecting and somehow, that's... disappointing. It's disappointing that the choices above are nowhere near pleasant yet it was what he's used to.

I can't have that.

"I--" Fuck, why is this so hard, again? I could feel myself reddening based on how warm my face has gotten despite the AC on full blast. Rubbing the back of neck, I soldiered on, "We're doing research for the field study our professor has given us. Uhm... You? What're you...?" I gestured towards his book hoping he'd get what I'm saying. Honestly, though, what the fuck? Why am I behaving like a guy talking to his crush? I've never been this way before. What am I acting shy for, for goodness sake, this is 0062 in front of me! Not some pretty lady I'm asking the number of.

His mouth formed words as a reply but I really didn't hear what he was saying, my focus being on a particular body part moving in what seemed like slow motion in my head.

"... P'Arthit?"


Wow, why don't you dummify yourself a bit more, Arthit? I don't think the pigs could rival against you yet.

He chuckled and I found myself dumbly smiling at him like really smiling and I can see that he's pleasantly surprised that I could accomplish such a feat.

"What?" I hissed, ducking my head down and rubbing the back of my neck to stop the blushing.

"You're so frigging cute sometimes, P'Arthit."

Wow, I didn't know I could blush any harder than I already do but alas, I was proven wrong yet again.

"What were you saying a while ago?"

Laughing breathily one more time, he answered, "I was asking you about dinner, P'. You've yet to treat me dinner."

Yeah, well, no way I'm eating with you 'til I get myself sorted out.

"Why do you need to get yourself sorted out, P'? Is there something wrong?"

Great! Just fucking kill me now, please. I'd rather have that than deal with this stupidity.

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