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You know that feeling when you feel like you were standing at the edge of a cliff where one misstep could easily lead to your death?

You know, like you're at the edge of your seat about something you don't know exactly what?

Like you're hoping for something to just happen so we could finally get this done and over with?

That's what I'm feeling. Everyday, I wake up thinking maybe today is the day I will find out why my stupid heart would just palpitate out of nowhere. I tried to consult a doctor but they told me that nothing is amiss and that I'm as healthy as any senior my age should be. I'd like to scoff at them at first but I was taught to respect my elders so I decided against it and be the mature person everyone thought a Head Hazer should be.

I sighed heavily. Nothing really makes sense why I get this feeling. I mean all these signs are surely for someone who is in love like, you know, restlessness, lack of sleep, can't eat properly, butterflies in your stomach -- you see where I was heading at?

Now, if I am in love, it would've been easier to explain all this but I'm not. Hell, no one has even struck my fancy.

Namtarn doesn't count 'coz my crush on her died a long, long time ago.

It's just weird that I'm having all these feelings when--


I absentmindedly turned around, realizing who called way too late and internally debating whether I could still pretend not to hear him.

Nope, he's already jogging my way and fucking smiling so bright it could rival the sun itself. Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck exactly is this guy that he could fucking smile at 8-fucking-am?

Definitely not human, that I'm sure of.

"Ohooo, P'! Don't look so disappointed now." He pouted like the 3-year-old that he is, thinking it's cute when in fact it looks stupid and annoying. I don't even know why that shit is working amongst the girls in our Faculty.

They've got to be blind. That could only be the most logical explanation to that.

"Here, I got this for you."

My face lit up immediately seeing the treat he was giving me before I recalled that, oh, yeah I fucking hate his guts and turned back to scowling only, oops, too late he already saw it based on that wide fucking grin he's currently sporting on his dumb face.

Butterflies in the stomach.

There they are again.

I swear to fucking God I will get to the bottom of this stupid fucking emotions.

Signs of Falling In Love and How Arthit Rojnapat Missed Them By A MileWhere stories live. Discover now