cheater- ondreaz

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i woke up with my head pounding. i got up from my bed and went downstairs to get myself water. as i go over to the water i see a note on my kitchen table. i read the note it says: hi y/n i had fun last night watching the movie with you. you fell asleep on the couch so i brought you to your bed and left. i'll see you later today baby.
- love ondreaz. i smile at the note and head upstairs.
i went to my bathroom and took a shower. after that i got my hair,makeup done, and put on my clothes. i go over to me phone and see a text from avani.

hey bebe! i just want to know if you wanted to get coffee with me addison and charli
ofc i would love to come. tell charli and addison to come over to my house with you.
sure thing love we will be over there in 10! see you soon

i put my phone down and finish anything i had to do. i heard a knock on my door. i go down to open it and i see charli, addison, and avani with a big smile on their faces. they bring me into a hug and i hug them back of course. "are you ready y/n" addison says looking at me from charlis phone. "yes i just have to get my
phone and money" i say running up the stairs. i get my things and we go in avani's car.

"so how was your date night last night" charli says making us laugh. "it was good actually i loved it" i smile turning to charli. we get our coffee and go back to the hype house. i open the door and i see dixie running up to me and pulling me arm. "what dixie what happened" i say worried. "i have a surprise for you" she says yelling and smile. she pulls me up to ondreaz's room at first i'm confused why a surprise would be in there but i don't really care.

she opens the door and there i see ondreaz kissing some other girl. "oh my god y/n i didn't mean for that to happen. i didn't know anything about this" dixie says and now she has no smile i her face. i feel my tears already. i can't believe for 5 years of dating ondreaz he would cheat on me.

i turn around and run downstairs the stairs. "what happened y/n why are you running" tony says and makes me look up at him. "your brother! that's what happened" i say crying. tony goes over to give me a hug but i just start yelling at everyone. ondreaz comes downstairs over the me and looks at me. "what the hell are you looking at ondreaz" i say yelling at him.

"we are over. i can't believe 5 years of my life i have waisted because of you" he looks at me like i'm crazy. i feel something hit my leg i look down and see my phone dropped out of my hands. i go down to pick it up when someone else picks it up. it was ondreaz of course. "look baby let me explain" he says giving me back my phone. "what is there to explain ondreaz i saw you kissing another girl you were cheating on me" now i'm crying even harder.

"i loved you ondreaz but this is what you have to do to me? we are over and i'm coming to pick up my things tomorrow" i say walking away from him to go outside. i was about to call an uber when i hear someone say "i'll drop you off" i look to see who it is and it was ryland "thanks ryland" i say. we get in the car he was asking if i was ok and everything. me and ryland have been best friends forever.

i got to my house and said bye to ryland. after that i laid on my bed. my phone was going crazy from ondreaz. i was getting texts messages, calls, facetimes, snapchats, and dms on instagrams. i turned off my phone and fell asleep from all the crying.

y'all KNOW i don't do these long images so enjoy it while it lasts! but i just what to say thank you for 1k reads! and should i do a part two of this?

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