He seemed to get that I was uncomfortable with his gawking and he finally said, "You look just like Laura."

Oh. That was true.

Elyse, Jordan, and even Patrick said we looked like twins when they saw her posts on Instagram. Well with one twin who wears fake eyelashes and knows what contouring is and the other who barely knows what a lip kit is.

"Thanks, I guess?"

He looked at me and that perfectly crooked smirk appeared. "Are you excited to start school in a couple of weeks?"

"Not really. Wish I was back in Dallas."


"My life is there? My stepmom, stepbrother and sister are there."

"And your real mom too?"

I tried not to look too annoyed. Elyse and I never really talked about our parental situation when we visited. Outside of my cousins, people here  just knew Jordan came into the picture and my mother wasn't coming to visit anymore.

James answered for me, "Jordan is her real mom. In any way that matters, at least."

"Realer than my real mom has ever tried to be."

He nodded in apology. "Sorry, I didn't know that was the case."

I shrugged, dying to change the subject. "Your band was good last night by the way."

"Thanks." Tyler grinned, "You should come to our gig in a few weeks."

"Where is it at?"

"We are performing at the Cabbagetown Festival in the morning, then at The Garage that night."

I nodded then quietly tried to add, "Will the other kids from backstage be there too?"

James started laughing and I knew I had failed at being subtle.

Tyler looked confused while nodding at me yes before looking at James and adding. "What am I missing dude?"

He was still laughing. "Oh you missed it Ty." He slung an arm around my shoulder and squeezed.

"Lex here, danced with the King of Darkness himself for like half an hour."

Tyler's eyes grew big. Ari's nickname was The King of Darkness? That was a bit dramatic. He might be emo but he wasn't Ozzy Osborne level King of Darkness.

I glanced at Tyler as his eyes were still bulging. "You've been here five minutes and you are already hitting on Brenna's brother?"

I gulped. "We just danced."

Tyler looked over at James. "Your mom was right. She is so going to fit right in."

"Yeah she is."

James leaned over with his free hand and punched my arm. I punched right back. He actually rubbed his arm. Having Patrick around had come in handy for something.

"So what are y'all's plans today?"

James shrugged, "I am going to watch RWS practice." He smiled slightly, "Wanna come?"

I nodded, trying to act casual. I wondered if Ari was going to be there?

"When are they practicing?"

Tyler answered for him, "In about an hour back over at The Garage. Management lets us practice there during the day."

I jumped up, going into full girl mode but trying not to show it. "Is Laura here?

James arched his eyebrow in confusion, "Yeah upstairs, why?"

"Okay come get me when you get ready to leave", I responded ignoring his request for an explanation.

I ran up stairs and looked around but had no clue which door to knock on.

James seemed to read my mind when he yelled up after me, "First one on the left."

I knocked on her door and my slightly younger cousin answered. Laura practically sneered when she saw it was me. We were never really what one would call close, but this bitch face I was getting was just rude.

"Can I help you?"

I smiled and sarcastically said, "Nice to see you too, cuz'. Long time no see."

She rolled her eyes, "Sorry, welcome back."

I felt almost embarrassed for what I was about to ask. "Thanks. Look I just came to ask if I can please get some help getting ready? I am in need of a fairy godmother level fast makeover."

Her face lit up, doing a 180 from before. "No problem!" She looked me up and down just then. "But why do you want a makeover? You look a lot less like a troll than when we were kids."

I didn't know if I should thank her or punch her. I looked at Laura more objectively this time. She and I really did have a lot of the same features. We both had the same shade of blue eyes and blonde hair. She was also my height, and about my weight and build. Nice to know what side of the family I got the boobs and curves from. I had been hoping to get away without explaining my situation but she was still looking at me like she expected an answer.

"I am going to go watch Tyler's band practice. I met someone at the show last night and there is a possibility he might be there."

She smiled. "Ari always goes to watch them practice."

My jaw clinched slightly.

Bigmouth James down stairs had already told her.

"What did James say?"

"That you two were practically dry-humping on the dance floor last night," she replied sweetly but I could tell she was making fun of me.

I rolled my eyes. "That's a stretch. Look can you help me, please?"

She smiled and gestured past herself, "Come on in."

In thirty minutes, Laura had managed to straighten out the wave having my hair in a bun had made and done my makeup. I was afraid she'd make me look like a baby hooker but she had kept it pretty natural. She had also been more than happy to loan me a low-cut cropped sweater that I slipped my hoodie over until I could get past the aunt and uncle. To both of our surprises, I gave her a big hug after looking in the mirror.

"Thank you."

She looked over my shoulder at my reflection. "No problem. Have fun but stay away from Tyler. Brenna was bitching about a 'skanky redneck American' hitting on him last night on Snapchat. I'm assuming that was you?"

I rolled my eyes. "That girl was saltier than Lot's wife last night. What's her damage?"

"Every girl at school throws themselves at Ty and he loves it. She can't deal."

James called for me and I jetted downstairs. We were at the warehouse twenty minutes later. It looked so different in the daylight. I left my hoodie in the car and followed James inside. He shook his head and rolled his eyes at me when he saw the sweater. I just stuck my tongue out and kept walking.

My Life In Pieces (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now