The Return: Part 1

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Each day, Steven was showing more and more signs of brain activity. Greg and the gems would rotate in shifts and talk to him. They would speak about the most mundane things. Like how their day was, how Beach City is doing, what they taught at Little Homeschool. Anything really

They were eventually able to get him off the ventilator. 2 more weeks passed until it looked like Steven would wake up. They got a call from the doctor one day and they all rushed over as soon as possible

They anxiously waited for something to happen. They were about to give up happened

A soft groan could be heard from Steven. Everyone immediately got up and stood over him, waiting for him to open his eyes

His eyelids were twitching as he struggled to open them. As he slowly woke up, his vision became extremely blurry. He blankly stared up at the ceiling until everything was clear

Everyone smiled at him with tears in their eyes. Pearl leaned in for a hug. "Oh, welcome back Steven." When she let go, he held his head and sat up

"Aw my head. Thank you for the warm welcome but...who are you people?"

Everyone's heart stopped in that moment. They had their boy back, but at what cost?

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I didn't know how to stretch it out lol. But I hope you still enjoyed it. Especially with that twist hehe. Thank you for all the support you've given me. It really helps me out a lot. Next one should be longer...maybe XD

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